Chapter 21.

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After a long day of shopping, playing at the arcade and going to the opera, they relaxed at Luz's house.

"Edric, you can stay in this room. If you want, you can share it with Emira." They both shook their heads.

"We'll take separate rooms please." Luz nodded and took them to their rooms. Her house was even bigger than any hotel you could imagine.

"Amity, would you like your own room too?" She immediately held her hand. "No, I'll share your room." Amity smiled and looked at Luz happily.

When Luz opened the door, she told Amity to relax as if it were her home. "Could you wait? I want to call someone."

Luz went out of the room to the sitting room, where there was no one. She called John and he immediately picked. "I'm back home, I just left the hospital." John gave a sigh of relief.

"Is there anyone else?"

Luz immediately started her job, again. Despite just leaving the hospital that same day.

John fed her with the necessary information and Luz cut the call and she smiled.

Luz went to Edric and Emira and asked them if they wanted cake because she was going to buy some since she was "going out". She asked Amity and they all nodded.

Luz left and didn't forget to carry her mask.

She was no longer Luz Noceda, but Glass, the horrendous criminal.


"We're so close!" Albert, the police officer that had been assisting Michael said to the scientist.

"Pass me that thing, will you?" The scientist said angrily and as he gave it, he grabbed it with force.

"Could you be careful? This stuff is extremely dangerous. You can hurt Albert." Michael immediately shifted Albert and Albert blushed.

"Albert, you should go relax. You've done enough work today." Albert shook his head and smiled. "I want to help you sir." Michael smiled and they both assisted the scientist.

"I got it."

"I finally got it." The scientist said in relief and fell on his knees.

"I didn't exactly catch Glass, but if you bring that deadly detective of yours, you can find out who-"

"Sir! Glass-!" Michael and Albert rushed to the police car and the police officer gave them all the necessary information.

They surprisingly went to a pastry shop and saw Glass buying cake. "Put your hands in the air, Glass! You're under arrest-"

"Stop with all the bullshit, chief." Luz rolled her eye. "You can't defeat me and you don't want to."

"You're trying to steal from this shop aren't you!?" Luz was perplexed. "Me? Steal?" Luz laughed.

"Hey, at least I'm a good citizen that's paying for what I want." Luz looked at Michael and noticed something.

"Is today a special day?" Michael kept quiet. "And what if it is? You're under arrest, Glass!"

Luz gave him the cake.

"Don't feel lonely that your wife is gone, alright?" Luz bought another one from the baker and the baker was wobbling.

"Any second now..."

The baker fell on the ground.

"And he's dead. That was pretty fast." Michael tried to shoot Luz but she immediately dodged it.

"This baker was selling illegal drugs to other bakers from close pastry shops to his and customers of this place. From the things around here, and from the things I'm seeing, I'm basically doing your job."

"It's disgusting how I'm doing your own work. Did you people not train to become police officers?" Luz looked at them with disgust.

Luz vanished and she wasn't in their sight anymore.

Then they heard a voice.

Albert and Michael entered their car and drove to where they were hearing the sound. "Jesus, how can a little boy be as loud as this!?" Luz was holding James, Michael's son.

"Leave him alone." Then Luz held him tighter. "What if I don't want to?" Both Albert and Michael rose up their gun, ready to pull the trigger if Luz were to make any moves.

"I told you, this child will become a killer." James looked at Luz and noticed that Luz was the same person that killed his mother.

"You... You killed my mother!" He brought out a little knife and it was getting close to Luz's leg. Despite how small it was, it was a tad big in his hands.

"See?" He didn't see the knife in his hands anymore. "He was about to stab my leg." Michael looked at James who was crying and was acting innocent.

Luz dragged James's hair and looked at him. "Hey, didn't your parents teach you that you shouldn't falsely accuse someone for something they didn't do?"

"Didn't your dead mother teach you that?" They all gasped.

Luz left him and he fell on the floor. "You-! What did you do to him!?" Luz looked at them.

"He's only unconscious. I promise you Michael, your little boy is going to become a killer one day." Luz vanished once again and left both of them, completely... confused.

Luz removed her mask and came back to her house and completely hid the mask.

"Ow!" Luz fell on the ground and made a huge sound, making everyone to come downstairs.

"No!" Edric screamed and ran. "Are you alright!?" Luz was pained.

"Yeah, I'm alr-"

"The cake!" Edric was in tears. Emira nd Amity rolled their eyes.

"Luz! What happened!?"

"I think I fell on a sharp object." Luz lied. "Wait..."

Luz was thinking.

"They'll get my-!"


"We got Glass's DNA."

Michael laughed. He laughed in such a villanous way, even James was scared.

"Good boy." He pat James and he was happy. He was happy that he could be useful to his father.

Both of them wanted to avenge Marie. They want Glass dead. They want Glass to rot. That's what they want.

But truly, all things must come to an end.

Luz Noceda, who is also the horrendous criminal, Glass, will come to an end.

Or will things take a huge and extremely great turn and be advantageous for Luz?

Or will luck be on Michael and James?

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