Chapter 41.

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"Forgive me."

Luz bowed to the Prime Minister and her eyes widened. But despite everything, she wasn't going to forgive her easily. For killing her son who was already becoming the next Prime Minister of France was a huge debt to pay.

But she felt pity.

"Raise your head." Luz obeyed her and she raised her head.

The woman had analysed her, noticing her piercing, her thin body, and her dark eyes that looked like it had no life in it.

"I presume that you've gone through that process right before you left, right?" Luz nodded and she sighed.

She showed a face of disgust to Luz. She thought that as someone as high-ranked, and has quality, she didn't deserve to be looking at a person, more of a criminal that looked like a dirty pig who had not eaten for years.

Luz stretched her hand and started to speak. "I know you may not forgive me easily for what I've done. What I've done was horrible, and it has given you a bad name as both a prime minister and a mother."

"Please, send me to one of the most horrifying correction centre you have here in France. You can decide how many years I shall stay. Let it even be life imprisonment."

The woman looked at her and shook her head. "No, I'm doing that. Without any problems, you have served 14 years of imprisonment in that horrendous prison. You shall only serve 2 years of community service as Judge Isaac had said."

Luz nodded and the Prime Minister sent one of her men.

"I wouldn't do this but I feel pity for you." She said to Luz and she ordered one of her men to tell the maid to give her a proper bubblebath and a delicate meal.

Luz bowed in respect and honor and left.

"Even as a mother, I can see what that child has gone through to have suffered like this."


After 2 hours, Luz had taken her bath and eaten some food. One of the guards had given her a cloth to wear for the next 2 years.

"You will clean from this district to this one." He pointed out and it was extremely long.

But Luz didn't mind. Luckily for her, she was a clean person and she loved to clean. She even thought a place as loyal and beautiful as France wouldn't be this dirty.

But that mindset had completely changed.

As Luz walked to the location she was given, adults and children had ran away because of her scary presence. If looks could actually kill, everyone in that town would have died by now.

Luz had finally arrived there and she started to clean.


"I heard that Luz has finally left prison!" Emira said to Edric and Emira started to jubilate.

"She should be in France right now, doing her community service. The judge said 2 years, yeah?" Edric nodded and Emira smiled.

"We can finally see her again, but not imprisoned!"

"I mean, she still is kinda imprisoned. She's still under the Prime Minister of France, and if Luz shouls deny that and try to escape, she'll most likely serve life imprisonment in a prison in France."

Emira pouted and started to beat Edric and they both started to laugh.

"Should we mention this to Amity?" Emira asked but she heard a huge objection.

"No!" Emira tilted her head in confusion.

"I mean, if Amity heard this, how will she feel? Won't she feel happy?"

Emira shook her head and started to laugh.

"Happy? More like sad! She'll be sad that a criminal like her had left prison." She rolled her eyes.

How could Amity Blight change like this? It was truly devastating.

"That's kind of sad. But we've got Luz's support, whether she gets back together with Amity or not." Emira nodded in agreement.


Luz was cleaning the same place again and again because how people had been throwing so much trash on her, making it to land on the floor.

But she didn't dare speak. If she spoke, she knew she would regret it.

She sighed.

Then she heard her phone ringing. Her ringtone was the instrumental of Pink + White by Frank Ocean. When she brought out her phone from her pocket, she saw it was John.

Luz picked the call and her ears immediately deafened.

"Hey! We heard you've gotten out of prison!" Amy screamed over the phone and Luz grinned.

"I have. I was just picking up some trash until you people called me." She said sarcastically.

"What happened to you? Your voice doesn't sound the same."

"If I stayed in prison in 14 years, even talking about The Breakout, do you expect my voice, more or less my body to look the same?" Luz lied and told the truth.

She wasn't lying. Staying in a horrendous prison as that really changed her. It was that part, that part when she had to endure pain. She would rather be abused by her parents over and over than to even talk a glimpse of that electric chair.

And she was not planning to tell anyone about it.

Amy laughed and John, along with Anne greeted her over the phone. Luz had talked to them for less than 15 minutes and she had to call the conversation to an end.

"Have a great day, alright?" Luz cut the call and she continued.

Normally, she would have smiled and continued what she was doing with a little hope and joy in her heart but it was the complete opposite.

And if anything could happen or even out of nowhere, Luz could immediately die because of lack of too much blood.

Luz continued to sweep, as people from very high buildings threw trash at her that she would still clean.


Gabriel was punching the security guard that was holding Luz before she left for France.

"What did you do to Luz!? I will kill you if you don't speak!" He threatened him and he didn't speak.

Arthur cracked his knuckles and punched his guts.

"Speak. Now."

He coughed out plenty of blood and even Gabriel heard a bone crack. "The scientist-"

"A woman with purple hair paid the scientist. Normally, the scientist is supposed to do that to everyone but not as painful as what she went through."

Gabriel and Arthur gasped, immediately knowing who it was.

"It's Amity." They said in sync.

A few years ago, Luz would always tell and describe Amity to them.

How she had purple hair like cotton candy, her eyes golden like the sunset, and her very soft skin that was as delicate as a baby's own, and smiles as brightest as the sun.

Fate, misfortune and love followed Luz everywhere and it was a

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