Chapter 50.

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"This is becoming worse and there's no cure, even till this very moment. Will I even live till tomorrow? Or even half of the day?"


Luz was on the hospital bed, gently closing her eyes to relax a bit, but someone appeared right in front of her. She sighed and carried the person to the chair beside her easily.

"You're as light as ever, Amity Blight." She pouted and Luz giggled. "So what are you doing here? Don't you need to work?"

Amity shook her head. "Today's a rest day for me."

Then there was a minute of silence until Luz started off again with a question.

"What are you going to do now?" Luz asked Amity, in hope for a response that would suit her.

"Remember Luz, it's to support her from the sidelines. Normal friends would kiss once in a while!"

"Really? Normal friends, kissing? Now does that make sense?"

Luz shook away the thought from her head and sighed. She looked over to Amity who was deeply in thought.

"It's fine Amity. You really don't need to answer the question." Luz smiled and gently held the Blight's hand that was smaller than hers.

"I don't mind if we're just friends. All I can really do is stay on the sidelines, stay in the background and support both you and Alice. I can't do anything, I'm powerless." Luz laughed and Amity held her hand in pain in her sentence.

She didn't know what to do. She couldn't just divorce someone because of love for another. She would be able to understand, would she?

"Haha... What I said in the poem was really true. Love really is a cruel thing." She smiled outside but on the inside, she felt like vanishing.

"Why don't you use your phone? Aren't you bored just waking up and eating and sleeping back?"

Luz shook her head.

"I want to live. Besides, my eye got into a lot of pain because of your little wife." Luz laughed and Amity giggled.

Luz sighed.

"I really wish I could leave this hospital. It's been so long since I've seen the outside world. Maybe I-" Luz turned to look at Amity who was looking down, in pity of Luz.

"I'm probably just boring you. You should go." Luz held Amity and suddenly, Amity was on top of Luz.

Luz and Amity were at the left side of the hospital bed, blushing at the awkward scene they were experiencing.

Luz had seen a little of Amity's chest and they looked at each other's eyes. The golden ones looked at the dark brown ones and vice-versa.

"Uh..." Luz started. "You should go right n-"

"C-c-can we just s-st-stay like this for s-s-some time?" Luz gulped at the question Amity asked and covered her mouth at her cuteness.

"Ella es tan bella..." (She's so beautiful...)

Some minutes later, Luz had cleared her throat and Amity shifted back, disappointed that they couldn't stay in that position longer.

But Luz was still flustered. She looked at Amity and sighed, giving a broad smile. She was just too beautiful, Luz admired her beauty and her nature.

But all of that was going to be taken away from her by simply an inevitable thing, death.

"Are you alright?" Luz asked Amity and she sighed, looking at her hand and gently holding it again.

"I've just been thinking about some things. Like Alice, my siblings, my job, you..."

Luz paused and replayed what Amity had said in her mind.

"Did you just say you've been thinking about me?"

Amity immediately covered their mouth and started to blush and Luz looked the other way, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Look at us, acting like new couples." Luz laughed and looked down.

"Except for the fact we aren't." Amity held her hand tighter and looked at her passionately.

"Luz... Do you still like me? After everything I've done to you?"

Luz shifted back at the sudden question and looked at her back, knowing very well she just had to give a response.

"I don't like you, at all." Amity's eyes widened and she lost hope. Amity didn't just like Luz. She loved her, she adored her.

It was like drinking refreshing water after a long, exhausting run. It was like listening to music in a calm environment. It was like sitting on a bench and admiring nature. It was like loving your family like no other.

That's how she loved Luz, even more than that. She doesn't hate Alice, but she doesn't love her. But she loved Luz so much with her heart.

"I love you, isn't it that obvious?"

Amity's eyes sparkled and tears fell from her eyes and she immediately went in for a kiss. It lasted long and they savoured that moment like no other.

"I didn't want to tell you because if I did and I actually died early, you would be in pain. I don't want you to go through that."

Luz caressed her cheek and Amity sniffed and gave her a peck on the lips.

"I would never be in pain." They hugged each other and Luz comforted her.


"So? What exactly are you going to do?"

"I don't know... What do you think I should do?"

"You know the answer I'll obviously give."

"Well... I really don't know. Maybe I can try explaining to Alice?" Amity raised one of her eyebrows but Luz shook her head.

"It's fine, Amity. I'll soon leave this world. You'll need someone to hold onto, someone to cry to that'll comfort you, someone that'll listen to your problems, someone that would even go against the world to do anything for you, like me."

"I don't want you to be in infinite pain and let depression fill you. It was truly fate that brought us together and it is death that will separate me from you."

"Being in this world, i've realised something. When you love someone, treasure them. Love is so cruel. It can separate and it can bring people together."

"And i'm truly glad and grateful to God that I met someone like you."

Amity smiled and agreed with her.

"Me too Luz. Me too." 

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