Chapter 37.

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Amity locked herself up in her room for days. She didn't know whether she was going to just forgive Luz that easily. She might have forgiven her in the heart, but what about the mind?

Was she going to move on? Was she not going to move on? She wanted the answers to all of these questions and the only person that could answer that was Luz.

"If only she was here..." Amity was on her bed and held her pillow tight. The scent of the pillow was like strawberry. It smelt delicious.

Then she heard a sound from her phone. She picked it up lazily and when she saw the person that sent her the message, she sat upright.

After 2 days, Luz had sent her a message. How was she supposed to reply? She didn't know.

Then Amity mistakenly pressed a button, and she started to call Luz and she immediately picked.

"What's up?" Luz's voice was deep. Despite it being only 2 days, Amity was deeply worried for this girl.

"Luz... Are you alright?" Luz raised an eyebrow. "I'm at The Breakout and I'm doing pretty much alright." Amity gasped.

Amity started to question Luz about what the place was like because she was scared. She had heard rumors of dangerous criminals residing in that prison.

But Luz laughed. "If they've beaten me up? Ha! More like I'm the boss around here."

"When I was going to my prison cell 2 days ago, people were afraid of me. Also, I met one of my closest friends, Gabriel." Luz passed the phone to Gabriel and he started to speak.

"Hello, this is Gabriel." Amity greeted him. "He also has a boyfriend!" Luz screamed and he was embarrassed.

"Come on dude, there's no need to hide it." Luz laughed and Arthur collected the phone. "This is Gabriel's boyfriend." Despite his voice being deeper than Luz's own, he was just a big, buff man who was very nice to everyone.

"Oh, it's very nice to meet you Arthur." Amity said in a nice tone. "Please Gabriel and Arthur. Take good care of Luz for me." Gabriel and Arthur understood and they passed the phone to Luz.

"So? How's Edric and Emira?" Luz asked, looking at her nails, laying on the floor.

"They're alright. But I don't think Edric is forgiving you anytime soon. For Emira, she's already forgiven you. Out of both of them, she's more of the understanding type." Luz nodded in agreement with her.

"You must know that Kendrick, the detective, is my cousin, right?" Amity answered with a yes.

"Are you still in contact with him? I actually wanted to apologize for what I did. But I know that just a mere apology won't do anything. He might as well just want me to rot and die in this hellhole." Amity giggled and Luz laughed.

"I mean, Emira collected his number because apparently, she found him attractive." Amity and Luz rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Oh! I have to go." Luz cut the call and Amity dropped the phone on the bed.


"I wish I could see her right now..." Luz thought in her mind continuously until she heard a loud sound.

"Ack!" It made her fall from her bed and hit her head. "All their cells were opened and all of them were going in a straight direction.

"It's lunch already?" Arthur nodded and they went to the cafeteria.

For it being a prison, a popular one at that, they would hardly serve them good food and most of the time, unhealthy food. Not junk food.

"Ugh." Luz sat on a table. People were shifting away from her because they were scared.

"Hey-" She tried to reach out, but it didn't work. She sighed and gave up.

"Hey, this actually tastes nice!" Gabriel exclaimed and Luz decided to take a spoon. "Hey you're right!" They all went in, including Arthur.

Now, Luz had learnt that someone should never judge a book by its cover.


Some hours later, they had already ate their dinner and they all went back to their cells.

Luz sighed. She was waiting for Amity to call. She waited for more than 5 hours.

"Dude, you awake?" Gabriel asked. "Yeah, you can't sleep?" Gabriel answered with a yes.

"What happened? You don't sound happy." Luz sighed. "My girlfriend said she was going to call, but she hasn't." Gabriel giggled.

"Don't worry, she'll most likely call tomorrow! You're even lucky you're with your phone." Luz was confused.

"Aren't both of you with your phone?"

"We are. It's actually charging. But we don't really have anything to do on them." Gabriel looked at the time.

Then Gabriel brought up another topic.

"It's kind of sad how we can't tell whether it's nighttime or morning. We haven't seen outside for a long time." He said with a sad tone.

"Well, it's better not to even see that outside you're longing to see. I don't want to crush your spirit, but outside is really a terrible world." Luz layed on the ground and looked at the ceiling.

"Sure, nature is beautiful. But it's the people. Even including you and I, everyone is wicked."

"We're all bad. It's just how we've experienced it that makes us to either grow and leave our badness or the opposite. But I was in-between."

"I was both good and bad. It was kind of funny how I could put on a huge act in front of my girlfriend and my girlfriend's siblings." They both laughed.

"Its because of those parents of mine that I turned like this. The police killed your parents?"

"Yeah, they did. But i've moved on. I may not still like policemen and policewomen, but i've accepted the fat that my parents are gone. I didn't even like them anyways."

Luz looked at her phone, no single phone call.

"I don't understand what's with parents and abusing their children. Do they not know that it leaves a huge scar on them? No really, before I killed them, they made a huge scar on my back!" Luz was angry but decided to calm down.

"Well, it's life for ya. After what we've done, we should really just accept everything, move on and change."

"Like what I did by getting this cute, adorable boyfriend of mine." He started to tickle Arthur, despite he was still asleep.

"Well, goodnight Luz. Sweet dreams." He went on his bed and immediately started sleeping.

"Yeah, goodnight..." Luz was worried but she later forgot about it.

"I really hope she calls..." Luz went to sleep.

But Amity never called her again.

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