Chapter 44.

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Finally, the day had arrived.

Amity had woken up with a smile on a face and the sun brimming like it was happy.

But she felt strange. She felt like something was going to happen but she shook that thought away from her head.

"What could terribly go wrong?"

Many, many things, Amity Blight.

Emira knocked on her door and Amity opened it for her. Emira was screaming but not too loud and hugged her little sister, jumping happily.

"Today's your day!!!" She screamed loudly, as her heart was filled with happiness for her little sister.

"Today's my day!"

Emira had talked to her about her marriage and prayed for it to be a good one. Some minutes later, Emira left and Amity went to take her bath.

As she enjoyed love, so was another regretting falling in love.


Luz was eating some bacon and egg with bread as she looked at her phone.

That's when someone called her. It was the stranger from yesterday. Luz and the stranger had talked for so long and Luz saw that she was an amiable and funny person and her name was Amelia.

Luz answered the call and they started to talk.

They talked about how their day were going so far and what they were going to do today. But Luz didn't dare talk about the wedding.

Despite speaking with Amelia like as if they were childhood friends, Luz knew that she wouldn't tell her about the negative parts of her life at this point.

"Well, I have to go. Will I meet you at the bench again?" Luz asked, as she waited for a reply.

"Of course you will! I'll see you later then. Have a great day!" Amelia cut the call.

"Great day, huh."

Luz went to wash the dishes and changed her clothes.

She wore a black Polo Ralph Lauren shirt and it's logo was white. She then wore the Nike Airforce shoes that were in the colour white and black.

She wore her Rolex wristwatch and saw her beanie in the closet. She frowned at it once more and decided to wear it.

Despite it not fitting the colour of the clothing, she wanted Amity to know how she really loved her and wanted her to know that she wished her the best.

Emira had texted her the location and entering her Ferrari, she drove there.

She looked at the seaside and admired how beautiful it was. It was like the day of the sun was shining on the water and it was truly a sight.

Luz had been thinking of how people hated her in Los Angeles when she came here some months ago. But they saw the changes in her and decided to accept it.

That was one of the things Luz adored about some human beings, being able to forgive and forget, even though not all can do so.


"I'm here!" Amity's stylist looked at Amity, who bashed into the place and held her hands.

"Welcome my dear! How about you sit down? We've prepared everything!" Two women who were wearing exquisite and expensive clothes appeared behind Amity's stylist.

"We're ready for you, Miss!"

Amity had changed into her wedding gown and everyone in the place was amazed.

She hadn't even put makeup yet but everything about her was just perfect already. Her body, her face, her eyes.

Even the stylist was envious of the person that Amity was going to marry.


Finally, they had finished her makeup. They put the earrings and they shifted back.

Amity opened her eyes and she couldn't believe her eyes. If this isn't a dream, someone should pinch her because this was too good to be true.

She was so beautiful! Her eyes was like polished gold, her skin was smoother than a baby's own, and her nails were like little pink seashells one would find in the beach.

"I love this!"


When Luz went there, she saw people already sitting down. Oh, she saw familiar faces.

Willow and Gus.

"Should I meet them?"

Luz sighed. Luz walked to them and greeted them.

Willow and Gus's mouth were wide-opened. "Luz!?" Willow immediately jumped and hugged her and Gus did the same.

"Well you two have grown." Luz patted their backs and shifted away from the hug.

"How have you been?" Luz gave a thumbs up and Gus elbowed her, telling to keep quiet.

"Oh, you might be feeling sad about this marriage..." Willow kept quiet and sat back down.

"No, no. I'm not sad about it. I only want to see her partner and Amity. It's been long."

"Besides, all I can really do is to stay on the sidelines and support them." Luz felt somewhat uncomfortable with the sentence she even uttered from her mouth.

They had talked for minutes and Luz explained to them about what had happened to her about The Breakout.

As usual, their reactions were to be surprised, to be shocked.

"But Luz, why do you look like this?" Luz tilted her head in confusion.

"What exactly do you mean? Do I look terrible?" Gus shook his head.

"Your eyes look lifeless and you look thinner than before. You're living a life of luxury, I even though that you would be strong looking."

Luz despised that sentence and she furrowed her eyebrows but sighed.

"Not all luxurious people are strong looking, Gus. People decide to eat too much and people decide to eat less or not eat at all. I am under those who eat less."

"Most of my blood is gone because of Amity Blight. I lived in a shitty prison where they gave us the most horrible meals that I even had to go on for some months without eating."

Willow raised her eyebrows. "How did you not die?"

"Maybe God had pitied a low-life like me." Luz raised her hands in defeat and she heard someone screaming, telling all of them to sit down.

Luz waved at them and gave the paper to the officiant, telling him to please read this after they gave their vows.

That's when they all sat down and people started to play trumpets.

Amity came in and Luz saw her.

She looked so beautiful, so... great.

But there was nothing she could do. She crossed her legs and dragged her beanie down.

When Amity got to where Luz was, Amity was able to take a glance at the beanie and thought Luz was there but she shook away the thought.

Luz saw Amity's partner and she was amazed.

The person was a woman who had blonde hair and aqua coloured irises. She was tall and had a very good posture and figure. Her hair was glimmering and long.

Everyone stood up and clapped their hands as the officiant told them to sit.

"We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Amity Blight and Alice Monroe. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends."

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