Chapter 26.

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After some hours, the sun had risen. Luz had already left the hospital and called Anna. When they had some little conversation, Luz cut the call and went to the place she told her to come to. She waited for a few minutes until she saw Anna.

They both sat on a bench and there was silence. Until Anna began to speak. "Luz... I just wanted to apologize for what I did that day." Luz frowned and looked at her with pity.

"I just don't understand Anna. I can't just accept your apology easily if you don't give me an explanation." Luz started off roughly.

"I was jealous."
"When I saw you hanging out with other women and men in the hospital, I was jealous. There were some things about you that I found attractive. That was when I started to develop feelings for you. I wasn't a patient in that hospital, but my older brother was there so I would come to visit him during the weekend."

Luz sighed. Why? Because she was jealous? "I get you Anna. So you started to develop feelings for me and when you saw me hanging around with other people, you got jealous and wanted to kill me? You know, in a story like that, you're supposed to kill them, not me." Luz laughed a little.

Anna shook her head.

"I didn't actually want to do it. I was only thinking of faking it so that both of us would leave the hospital together and leave as just one happy couple..." Then she kept quiet.

Luz wasn't disgusted. She understood everything Anna was saying, clearly.

"Anna, that thing you brought up on the phone..." Luz held her hand and went closer to her.

Anna started to blush.

"Y-y-you don't have to reply now!" She looked away in embrassment. "No, I want to."

"Anna. I'm in a relationship."

Anna gulped and she started to shake. She was just rejected. No, she wasn't angry, she wasn't sad, she just didn't know how to feel at that time.

She had a crush on Luz for a year, and now that she finally came out, once and for all, she was rejected.

Before Luz knew it, Anna started crying. "Huh? Why am I crying?" She gently removed her hands that Luz was holding to clean her tears but it couldn't stop.

Luz immediately hugged her and comforted her. She started to sniff and she cried to her heart's content.


"This. This is truly something!" He exclaimed. "I agree with you, Michael."

"By anything, how were you able to find this out?" The scientist folded his arms and smirked. "Don't underestimate a scientist. My closest friend invented something for this case. It was invented to test people's blood. Whether it had sicknesses, and the likes."

"The blood that spilled from her leg that day, I took a sample and tried it out. After my research, I have now gotten to the conclusion that she has a problem with her lungs. If someone should have a problem with one of their organs, they would go-"

"To the hospital!" Michael completed the statement. "We don't actually know the hospital she went to." The scientist laughed.

"There is most likely one hospital she might have gone to. For her to have dressed fancy-like whenever we try to capture her, she must have money and she would obviously want the best and special treatment." He rolled his eyes.

"The one hospital I know that you pay a lot and give special treatment is People's Own Hospital, where Doctor Williams works."


"Are you alright now?" She nodded and they both stood up. "If you want, we can be best friends! Closer than ever before!"

Then Anna hugged her.

"You always find a way to make someone smile and be happy." Luz was still shocked by the hug but she hugged her back and put her chin on Anna's shoulder.

"I'm not sure about that."

"Did you say something?" Luz shook her head. When Anna waved and left, Luz put her hands inside her pocket.

Then she started to shake.

She went back to the bench and started sniffing, then she started to cry. "God... What am I doing?"

"I know I'm going to get arrested. Me being arrested is inevitable. By anything, they'll execute me. I killed her son. The Prime Minister's son." She said to herself.

And no one was there to comfort her. Just herself and no one but herself.


After a call with Doctor Williams, they all entered the police car and drove to his hospital. It didn't take less than an hour for them to get there.

They entered the hospital like celebrities. As they walked in to meet the receptionist, women started to gossip with other women and other people stayed like statues because there was a police officer amongst them. Some fathers and mothers told their children to not look their way.

They explained the necessary matter to the receptionist and they told them where Doctor Williams was. Luckily, he wasn't busy.

He was in his office, sipping coffee.

When they came in, they greeted each other and explained the matter. But they didn't dare mention Glass.

"Do you know any patient that is rich, and has a lung problem?" Doctor Williams nodded.

"But there aren't a lot of them actually." The scientist nodded and Doctor Williams searched for a file and brought it out.

"But there's a particular patient that among all of the people that are rich and have lung problems, her problem is exceptional. It's very bad."

The scientist started to smile, the detective smirked and Michael was anxious.

"Could you please describe her?"

"She has long brown hair-"

Then his smile became bigger.

"Has a brown complexion-"

Then bigger.

"And I've noticed, but she loves to wear a lot of Nike shoes!"

"SPOT ON!" The scientist shouted, even people outside his office heard him. "I don't understand?" Doctor Williams said in total confusion.

"My friend, you have helped us!" The scientist looked at Michael and Michael brought something out.

"I'm a police officer, and I'm investigating the horrendous criminal, Glass. According to the physical features you just gave to us, it matches perfectly with our investigation."

"Basically, the person you have been aiding without you knowing, is the horrendous criminal, Glass."

He gulped.

"Luz? A criminal?! That can't be! She couldn't-" Then he remembered a statement that Luz made.

"If only they weren't like that, I wouldn't-" She didn't complete that sentence.

"Oh my goodness." He fell on his knees.

The detective went forward and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"And could you tell us the name of this criminal, please?"

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