Chapter 30.

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"This case is going to be on the news." Michael was confused.

"Surely you don't mean-" The Detective shushed him. Michael sighed and went to the telephone and called their line. He discussed with them and immediately he finished, they agreed.

"All for money." Michael rolled his eyes. "Sir?" Albert came and Michael saw him. "Oh Albert!" Michael hugged him and gave him a small pat on the head. He started to blush and Michael shifted back.

"What are you doing?"
"According to the detective here, we're going to display this case to the most popular news network to catch Glass. We already know her name but she checked her files and it was blank."

"Blank!?" His eyes widened. Albert calmed down and looked at Michael. "How do you plan on catching Glass anyway?" The detective came in.

"We know that her name is Luz Noceda. All we need is for this case to be displayed. If we're fortunate, if she's a popular person, she'll have no choice and to come to the police." Albert nodded but paused.

"Isn't that like a 1 out of 5 chance that can even happen!?" He screamed and the detective stared at Albert. "That's why we need to prepare ourselves. Michael, go and prepare a plan B. Anything can happen." Michael saluted him and went away.

"Sir! Why are you just following what this detective is saying? I don't think he's doing his job right!" Michael shook his head.

"This detective... All cases that he was asked to solve were solved. He's known as one of the best detectives in the world. I'm even surprised that he would come to a town like this to solve a crime." Albert was still being persistent.

"Sir, you should put yourself first! Citizens care about you, your children care about you, I even care about you!" Michael's eyes widened and he started to blush.

That's when Albert noticed what he said. Both of them were embarrassed.

Michael cleared his throat. "Well, I have a plan B for this case to make. Would you care to join me, Albert?" He smiled and nodded like a child.


Luz and Amity had already gone home and they were sleeping. Amity was close to Luz, already sleeping like a baby but Luz was still awake.

Her mind was blank. Like a sheet of paper. Nothing to think of, nothing at all. Just breathing and looking at the wall.

Luz sighed and saw Amity. Luz patted her head. Luz blushed and saw Amity. "She's like a little cat." She thought and scoffed.

"Maybe I should sleep too-" Then Luz started to sleep.

Then she started to dream again. It was the same place. She started to walk. As she walked, her steps made the colour change from white to black, from black to white.

Luz layed on the floor and she looked at the ceiling.

"Now that I think about it, isn't Amity's birthday tomorrow?" Luz sighed. She saw a being, floating.

"Who are you?" The person went to another place.

"I'm you." Luz looked at herself. "But why are you shorter? And look younger and-" The person shushed Luz.

"You ask too many questions." The person smiled and went closer to Luz.

"How does it feel being lonely?" She was surprised being asked that question, by her own self. "How it feels? It feels... lonely I guess?" The person shook her head.

"No, you actually like it. You want to be alone. You don't want to hurt others. But at the same time, you don't want to be alone. You don't want people to leave you, even though you're the reason that people leave you."

At this point, Luz wasn't even surprised. To Luz, every she was saying was on point, totally correct. "You're right."

The person paused. "I even thought you would try and justify yourself." The person started to laugh.

"Hey, do you know how to play the piano?" Luz nodded and she snapped her fingers. "Play it, would you?"

Luz stood up and started to play Bluestone Alley.

"Oh, this is so calm." She said. "It's been such a long time."

Luz eventually stopped and the piano vanished. "Hey, my girlfriend's birthday is tomorrow, what should I get her?" Luz layed back on the floor. She acted so easy-going.

"How about you give her something that'll make her to never forget you?" Luz started to think.

"A necklace?" She shook her head.

"A bag?" She shook her head again.

"Myself?" She looked at Luz with disgust and Luz started to laugh. Then Luz came up with an idea.

"I know what to do."



"We have just received some very important news from the police involving the case of Glass." The detective folded his arms and Michael and Albert were looking at everything that was going on in the background.

"Apparently, Glass, who is also known as L., and also known as other names in other countries, has been partially discovered."

"Glass is a horrendous criminal and needs to be arrested immediately. Today, the police have found clues. The owner of People's Own Hospital, Doctor Williams, had been helping Glass, and not even knowing himself, meaning that he has been deceived by a criminal."

"Now, on to the important part." Both the man and the woman cleared their throats.

Everyone around the world was watching this. They all held each other hands, looking at their phones, television or hearing it through the radio.

"With the help of the police and the detective, they were able to find a great clue. The name of the horrendous criminal, Glass, is also known as..."

"Luz Noceda." Everyone gasped.

"To the people living in this town, search for a woman named Luz Noceda! She deserves to be punished, to be arrested." The woman said and relaxed.

Michael was tense but Albert calmed him down. Detective Kendrick smirked, as this was going smoothly, surprisingly. Everything was going to plan.

"We will be back right after this commercial!"

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