Chapter 49.

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"I do." Gus raised his hand and everyone looked at him with raised brows. "I'd love to eat it Edric, but I cannot."

"You all should know that if I should literally do anything, just a little thing, I could collapse and die. Sorry to say Edric, but that cake is basically a ticket to my death."

Edric frowned and pouted. "You didn't have to say it that way though." He crossed his arms and Luz laughed awkwardly. Luz looked at Amity who had been staring at her and Amity turned away, flustered.

"Amity?" She jumped and turned slowly to look at Luz. "Y-y-yes?"

"Is anything wrong? It isn't like you just keep quiet at-"

"Nothing is wrong at all!" She blushed and looked away and they all tilted their heads in confusion. It was as if this story started all over again, Amity falling in love with Luz.

"By the way Luz, when do you think you'll leave this hospital?" Gus asked and Luz started to think.

"I don't know. Most likely never." His mouth was wide open and Luz giggled. "I'm just kidding!" Luz had a glance to the upper right and started to whistle and Gus's jaw fell to the ground.

"Hey, don't joke like that with me!"

"Sorry, sorry." Luz laughed and they continued to talk.

"But sincerely speaking, I doubt I'll leave this hospital."

"Why do you say so?" Amity asked and Luz looked at her and Amity looked away in embarrassment.

"Outside this hospital is dangerous, Amity. Imagine I leave this hospital and there are loads of pointy rocks on the floor and there's quicksand. Or I magically have a car accident if I decide not to walk. What will I do?"

"Dude, that can only happen to unfortunate/unlucky people." Gus folded his hands and Luz sighed and shook her head.

"My whole life is unfortunate. You've known me since we were kids, was there ever a day I wouldn't come back with bruises, both before I was abused and after I killed my parents?"


Emira felt uncomfortable and adjusted herself and decided to speak up.

"But it doesn't sit right with me. Why would you kill your own parents?" Luz's eyes widened with the sudden question.

She sighed.

"Okay, imagine yourselves in my shoes. Listen carefully to what I'm about to say." They all nodded their heads and listened carefully.

"Imagine waking up every single day, for your parents to treat you like a slave, to give you cigarette burns on your hands in the morning, afternoon and night, scratching you with broken glasses of wine and having to perceive that alcoholic smell and that throat killing smell of cigarettes."

"Imagine going to a supermarket with ragged clothes, with a body that looks extremely slim that even your bones can be seen and buy the most expensive cigarettes and alcohols, being made fun of for looking so horrid by adults and children that were the same age as you when you were 6."

"Now why wouldn't I kill them? For making my life so miserable, they deserve to rot in hell."

They all opened their eyes and frowned but Luz furrowed her eyebrows.

"Even if God, The Angels and the Devil should forgive them, I won't. If I even go to hell, I'll kill them ag-" Amity used her hand to cover Luz's mouth and Luz shifted back.

"But you shouldn't have-"

"I shouldn't have!? How could they even sleep, knowing very well that their child was almost at the brink of death before!?" They all gasped and Edric was comforting Emira whose tears were about to fall from her eyes.

"I just... I just needed some love in my life. If God wanted that to really happen to me, then why? I never did anything wrong. Despite them being the most horrid people I've known, I always listened to them, whether wrong or right and I always obeyed them."

Luz couldn't cry but the pain filled her heart. They could see that she really needed to let her emotions out and it even pained them more to see that she couldn't even just roll a tear from her eye.

"We're all here for you, Luz." All of them hugged her and Luz's hand was shaking.

After that, all of them apart from Amity left the room. Once again, it was only Luz Noceda and Amity Blight.

"This is like the first time." Luz said and Amity giggled. The memory played back into their heads and it was clear as day. It was until Luz kissed Amity passionately. They both started to blush and looked away.

Luz sighed and started to talk.

"So... How's the marriage life? How's Alice?" Amity's eyes widened and she felt pained, she didn't know why. She just wanted both of them to talk about each other, not other people.

Amity had not replied to her question for some time and Luz felt worried. "Sorry, that question might be too personal..." Amity shook her head.

"It's alright, also Alice." She smiled and Luz saw her hand, squeezing the purple polka dot gown she was wearing and Luz frowned.

"You really need to let out your emotions. Just don't bottle them up. Trust me, I regretted not talking to my parents when they abused me." Luz laughed awkwardly and Amity held her hand and Luz rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment, totally flustered.

"I'm just really sorry about all of that."

"And about that friend's thing..." Luz gulped, thinking of what she would say but from Amity, she didn't know what to say. She wanted to talk so badly, but she didn't know the words to say and that pained her.

Luz understood the situation and she gulped, expecting the worst from what she was going to do.

She caressed her cheeks and she kissed her. It was the first time they met. Amity Blight, for the longest time, felt butterflies in her stomach. She felt happy.

For Luz, she felt the same. She hadn't kissed that plump, nice looking lips of hers for years but to her, it felt like centuries.

For both of them, this was a moment to savour, this was a moment they never wanted to end but nothing lasts forever.

And so does a certain someone.

Luz pulled back and immediately apologised. "You didn't know what to say and it was sudden and-"

"It's alright, Luz."

Luz looked at her and saw that bright, beautiful smile of hers. It made her giddy and she fell in love with her more and she smiled back at her.

But little did they know that some twins had captured some parts of the show, but they definitely did catch that mesmerising kiss.

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