Chapter 10.

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"She said something before... Hermosa? What does that mean?" Amity asked Edric and Emira.

"Of all people to meet, you met us idiots? We don't know anything!" Edric said and laughed and Emira smacked his head. "Not we. Only you. Amity, I don't know what it means, you can check online." Edric started whining in pain and Amity checked online.

She started blushing.

"What? What?? What??? What does it mean!?" Edric and Emira blushed.

"Does this girl want to marry you or something?" Edric said, making him receive another smack from Emira. "I never knew Luz was like this..."


"Yeah, John?" Luz picked her phone. "Sorry for disturbing you, I want to close the shop right now. I'm coming to your house to give you the keys."

"Why can't you just keep it?" Luz asked. "The last time I kept it, it almost went lost. It's by God's grace that you found it." Luz sighed and she agreed.

"No problem." Luz yawned and cut the call.

"I should at least unwrap the present Amity gave me..." She thought and opened it.

She saw a beanie.

"It isn't perfect but I hope it's to your liking... Done by Amity." She read out loud, as there was a paper inside the paper.

She saw another paper that was colour purple and from afar, someone could easily tell that it was written in cursive. It was a paper that smelt like perfume and Luz read it.

"I wrote this to make you happy. I realised that your beanie had been wearing out so I made a new one. I used red because I felt it was your favourite colour. If you actually like it, it would make me very happy. I want that beanie to be with you so that whenever you wear it; whenever I'm far away from you, you'll remember me... By Amity."

Luz held the beanie and a tear fell. Luz had never gotten this much love in her entire life. She truly felt that it was fate that brought both of them together. Amity was the one. She was the one that was going to change Luz; to make Luz smile and experience happiness.

Luz grabbed her phone and called Amity.


Amity got out of the shower, wearing her pajamas and she started hearing her ringtone. When she checked her phone, she saw it was Luz.

"Bwah!" She almost fell. "Again?" Amity looked at her phone and it was still ringing. "Why is she calling me?... Has she read the message already!?"

Amity wanted to fade away. Amity was as hot as a kettle that was boiling water.

But nevertheless, Amity still answered.

"Hello? Luz?"

"Amity. Are you alright now?"

"Yeah, I just got out of the shower. Today was fun, thank you Luz."

They continued to chat until Luz brought up the main topic; why she called Amity.

"Amity... Thank you." She said in a soft tone, almost about to cry again. "For what?"

"For the present. You really just made my evening." Amity started blushing. "I just saw your beanie was looking weared out so I decided to make a new one! Nothing big!" She said to make herself look proud.

"Oh, but it's big to me." Amity almost wanted to just... vanish. Luz was too smooth with her words, it was like if Luz were to say anything, she would just *poof*.

"You see, I've been wearing that beanie for a long time. I got it when I was 6 years old. One of my closest cousins gave me that, it was my birthday present." Luz sighed and kept quiet.

"Why your cousin? What about your parents?" Luz was shocked.

She sighed and continued.

"My parents... They never had time for me. They were always working, working, working. Every single second, it was work."

"When I was young back then, I always envied the other children. I would always watch from the sidelines, seeing children playing with their mothers and fathers, having fun."

Luz sniffed and started crying.

"Thank you Amity. I r-really appreciate it..."

Luz ended the call.

She was sitting on her bed, her hands covering her entire face, crying.

"Why did I do this?"


Luz went back to the park to meet the delinquent. "Lucky, you're still here." He was still on the floor. He looked like he was dead, but he wasn't.

Luz checked his body and saw he was still alive. "After what I've already done to him? I basically destroyed his body. Maybe God's still giving him some life to see the shitty things he's done."

"Well, time to end it!" Luz cut his chest and every other place she wanted to cut and brought out his heart.

She threw it inside a bin close to her. "Score!" She screamed.

Some minutes later, she had finished doing everything she needed to do.

But just one thing.

The note.

Luz already wrote it before she got to the park so all she needed to do as to put it on his hand. The note said:

"People's body are like glass. It's very easy to destroy. Call me Glass, it is my job to remove the bad people in this world anyway."

Luz yawned and went away.


"Damnit! How have we not gotten anywhere?!" The chief police officer screamed.

They had been going deep into Luz's case. None of them knows how Luz had been doing these things. The only things they knew was that she was writing notes.

"We don't even know who the person is, not to talk less of having any clues!" Be screamed and a person came in.

"Chief!" A man started breathing heavily. "There's another note!" Everyone looked at the man who was holding the note and the chief collected it gently.

"Oh my God. There's even little blood on it. This person is a monster." The chief wore his glasses and started reading it out loud to everyone.

"People's body are like glass. It's very easy to destroy. Call me Glass, it is my job to remove the bad people in this world anyway."

Everyone was silent.

"How is it your job to remove the bad people in this world? You're just a killer, nothing else..."

He looked at the back of the paper and saw another message.

"The person that is most likely to read this is a police officer so I must say this to you..."

He didn't say the remaining parts but the chief police officer fell down in shock.

Everyone was helping him until a man carried the note and continued from where the chief police officer stopped.

"Your children will not only ignore you but leave you and also leave this world."

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