Chapter 40.

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As Luz was laying on her bed, her cell suddenly opened. The other ones didn't open and she found it weird.

That's when thoughts came, swarming into her mind.

"Does David want to let me go in secret? Did someone pay the fine to let me go? Was it a mistake?"

"Is it my last day of staying in prison?" Immediately that came into her mind, she looked at the wall that she had written tallys on, counting the remaining days of her leaving.

She looked at it carefully and saw that it was the last day. She cross checked and she was right, it was the last day. But two things were what she felt, happiness and sadness.

Happy because she would leave such a prison as this, sad because she would leave the friends she had made here, most especially Gabriel.

"Come on, let's go."

Luz stood up and as she walked, she saw Gabriel and Arthur and they saw her too. "Luz? Where are you going to?" They both asked.

"Apparently, it's my last day. But I still have community service for some years." Luz stopped and the security guard rolled his eyes.

He opened their cell and they went to Luz. They both started to scream with happiness but Luz frowned.

"Why're you frowning? You should be jubilating!" Arthur said to Luz and suddenly, she hugged the both of them.

"I'm sad because I don't want to leave you guys." They were shocked but gently hugged them.

They shifted back and they went back to their cells.

As Luz kept on walking, she waved at everyone and they waved back at her. When she saw Isabella, Isabella looked at her.

"I'll miss you a lot." Luz went to her and patted her head.

"I'll miss you too, Isabella. You know, I really like you a lot. Your character is so soft, so nice." She caressed her cheek and Isabella was flustered.

She cursed her inner self for blushing at someone she liked really much. Luz giggled and kept on walking.

When they went to the door, two security guards surrounded Luz and they hit her, making her go unconscious.

"Huh-?" Luz fell into their arms and they carried her to a room.

Some minutes later...

Luz woke up and started to breathe in and out, in total fear.

"Hey, what the hell is this!? I thought you were going to let me out!"

Luz screamed and she tried to escape but she realised that her hands and legs were tied.

A scientist with goggles and rough, scattered grey hair, wearing a long lab coat went to Luz, laughing at how horrible she looked.

"You look like a rat that's trying to escape from a cage!" He laughed loudly and Luz stared at him with deadly eyes.

"Ohh, so scary!" He laughed and rolled his eyes and left.

"Men! Tie her up properly!" They tightened it harder and Luz screamed in pain.

"Why are y-you doing this!?" She screamed in pain and the scientist tilted his head in confusion.

"The Breakout isn't just a normal prison like you think the other ones are. Why do you think it's popular!? Every criminal must be punished before they go!"

"And besides, a certain purple haired girl paid me to do this." He winked at Luz and her eyes widened.


"Let the electrocuting begin!" He pulled a lever and it started to shock her greatly.

She gnawed her teeth so hard, blood was coming out. It pained every single part of her body.

He stopped and tears started to fall from Luz's eyes.

"Andddd again!" He pulled the lever and Luz started to scream.

Blood was coming out of her eyes, her nose, her teeth. She screamed louder than before and her throat pained her.
He stopped again and the security guards brought very sharp, pointy objects.

"Wow! You really survived it! You're the first person in this prison to have ever survived this stage. Let's see if you can go on." He laughed in amazement.

To the scientist, it was fun, exciting, and exhilarating. Even some of the security guards laughed louder than ever before.

"Let's do this again!" He pulled the lever and Luz was screaming again.

But it became worse.

Those sharp, pointy objects were injuring Luz's skin. It was going deep on her cheeks, both of her legs, her stomach and her palms.

5 hours later...

Luz couldn't fell anything anymore. After exactly 5 hours of pain, she felt lifeless.
The scientist carried a stamp and stamped her number on her neck.

"269." A security guard said and the scientist nodded. "If anyone should see this, they would immediately know that this criminal once resided in The Breakout because it's only this prison that does this!"

He laughed and the security guard carried her. She was light to carry and they went back to where they were.

The guard carried Luz and everyone saw her. Some of them gasped, closed their eyes, or even started to cry.

Gabriel, Arthur and Isabella saw her and they gasped. They couldn't believe their eyes. Wasn't this the same Luz that was all smiles, telling everyone goodbye?

The guard walked around, showing Luz's body to everyone. Even David saw it and he shook his head in sadness and disappointment.

There was silence for 5 seconds and everyone started to scream.

"Get us out of here!"

"I don't wanna die!"

People started to shake their prison cells, begging for forgiveness, crying like babies, even looking for sharp objects so that they could commit suicide, but nothing was there.

Luz was still alive, she just didn't feel anything. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, she couldn't regain herself. It was as if she had no life in her body, like a dead corpse.

They carried Luz to the ship and they poured cold water on her, as they believed that is what could regain her consciousness and it did.

Luz kept quiet throughout, until they went to France.

4 days later...

As they finally went to France, they took Luz and they went to the streets.

"Bonjour! Bonjour!" The security men said to very young women and men, who looked like they were going for fancy parties.

But when people on the street saw Luz, they were in fear. They ran away. Even little children noticed Luz's face and they carried tomatoes and squeezed paper and threw it at her face.

Hours later after walking, they got to the office of the Prime Minister and they left Luz and went back to their ship and immediately, they were gone.

Luz saw the woman face-to-face and immediately, she went on her knees.

"Forgive me."

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