Chapter 8.

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They both sat down close to a tree and Amity rested her head on Luz's shoulder and they were listening to calm music.

"Luz?" Amity called out her name.

"Yes?" Luz looked at her. "Are we... Are we always going to be together?" Luz was shocked by that question.

Luz caressed her cheek and looked at her eyes. "We're always going to be together, Amity."

"Whenever you're sad, happy, lonely, depressed... I will always be there to comfort and love you. No matter what." Amity blushed and Luz went closer.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're extremely beautiful?" Amity smiled.

Both of them were deeply in love.

Then Luz kissed Amity on the lips. The kiss was gentle and the scenery was beautiful. The wind was blowing and it felt like the best day that someone would ever have.

It was like eating watermelon in summer, or drinking hot cocoa in winter or playing with friends during spring, or taking a calm, slow walk during autumn.

Luz felt happy.

Never once in her life was she as happy as this.

Luz moved back and smiled.

Then they looked at the skies. Some minutes later, Luz checked her phone and saw that the break was over.

Luz sighed and turned off her phone. "We should go back." Amity looked at her. Luz offered her hand and Amity took it and they went back to class, holding hands.


Luz looked at the object that was extremely close to her.

"AH!" Luz felt the pain and started screaming. "AH!!!" Blood started gushing out of her eye.

Amity called the nearest hospital and they carried Luz and immediately rushed to the hospital.

"Luz? Luz!" Luz couldn't respond.

Some hours later....

"Only God knows how this came to happen." Luz sighed.

Then she heard a creaking sound from the door. Luz raised one of her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm so sorry Luz! I just wanted to check how you were-" "It's fine, Amity. You can come in. I wanted to see you anyway." She sat down and there was silence.

"That hit was completely out of nowhere." Luz frowned and she looked at Amity who was frowning.

"Are you feeling guilty?" Amity looked away and frowned more. "Amity... It's not your fault. It came out of nowhere, people make mistakes. He's not to blame."

"Like I won't kill him later." Luz said under her breath.

"Come here." Amity rested her head on Luz's shoulder once again and held her hand. "It's fine Amity... Everything is all right..." Luz starting humming and Amity went to sleep.

"I swear to God Almighty, I will kill that boy and even go far to butcher his body and force his family members to eat him." Luz felt completely angry.

"Now, I've lost an eye and I have problems with my body. Tch." Luz tried to suppress her anger by breathing in and out continuously and she sighed.

"Is it too much to ask for peace and quiet nowadays?..."


"Amity? Amity!" Edric and Emira started to look for her. "We can't lose our mittens!" Emira started getting frustrated.

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