Chapter 23.

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She recognised that voice.

Luz immediately cut the call and didn't hesitate. Then the unknown person called again.

"What do you want Anna!?" Willow got a shiver down her spine as she was surprised that Luz could shout as loud as that. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you-"

Luz could hear her voice breaking, as if she was about to cry and she started to feel pity. "I'm sorry alright? You can explain yourself, take your time."

As wicked and horrendous Luz was, she still had a kind and soft heart. She was like a rock, which was both soft at one place and coarse at the other.

"I'm really sorry Luz... I-i didn't mean it... I'm s-sorry for what I did in Los Ang-eles..." Luz felt bad. Extremely.

"Luz... I know this might be the wrong time to say this but..."

The remaining words shocked Luz. She paused. It was like time froze itself.

"I'm sorry Anna, but can we talk tomorrow? Face-to-face. I'll text you where we should meet." Luz cut the call and when she looked inside the car, she saw Amity and her siblings. Willow had already left.

Time had passed and Luz sighed. How can someone who tried to kill her, have feelings for her? Is that even possible? That was going around Luz's mind. She was thinking about it so hard, she wasn't able to hear that Amity was calling her.

"Luz!? Luz!!" Amity screamed at the top of her lungs and Luz came back to reality.

Luz looked at who was driving, and saw it was Emira. "Thank God." Luz gave a sigh of relief.

"Are you alright?" Amity went closer to Luz each second and held her hand. Luz was beet red and Amity was completely oblivious.

"Huh? What's going on in the back~?" Edric said suspiciously. "N-n-nothing!" Luz stuttered and Amity checked her temperature, putting her forehead on hers.

She almost fainted. Luz had never felt like this before. "Is this how Amity would always react whenever I was teasing her like this!?" Is what she thought.

(Luz Noceda completely misunderstood)

Fortunately for her, her phone started to ring. Luz saw it and saw it was John. Her eyes widened and nonetheless, she zti picked the call. "Hello John?" John could immediately notice that she was in a place.

The other vehicles, the horns that the vehicle was making and the sound of a moving car. John detected it all.

"There's another one." John said and Luz started to put on a fake act.

"Really?! Tell me about the dude. He sounds really funny." John started to laugh over the phone to go along with the act.

"He's from France. That customer was really funny. He has blonde hair and aqua blue eyes and he was wearing a red suit. All the girls were falling for him. To me, he's like a playboy! I even heard that he's rapped before, too!"

("He's like a playboy" actually meant that he was one and he started getting into a business with other bad people. "Rapped" in that statement actually meant raped and John gave her the valuable information, like how he's from France and how he has blonde hair and aqua blue eyes).

"If I see him, I'll try and be friends with him!" Luz immediately cut the call.

None of them were able to suspect a thing.

Luz was like a sly fox, able to get away with anything.

Emira stopped at Luz's house. "Are you staying at my house, or...?" Luz asked and they all nodded.

"I guess you guys really love my house." Luz laughed.

Meanwhile, Luz was planning everything she needed to do to kill that man. Luz changed her clothes and carried the mask.

"Luz?" Amity called her name. Luz shaked and looked at her. "Are you going out?" Luz nodded. "Well, be safe." Amity kissed her on the cheek and Luz smiled and left.

That smile turned to a frown.

"I'm sorry Amity. This smile you've been seeing was a lie. All my hands have been stained with the blood of human beings." She said to herself and vashined in thin air.


"Sir!" A police woman came into Michael's office. "Catch your breath and speak!" The woman calmed down and hesitated once again.

"The Prime Minister- F-France, son! Glass-" She couldn't finish her sentence but Albert was able to understand everything.

"Sir! She's trying to say that France, it's Prime Minister, her son, is about to get killed by Glass!" Albert exclaimed and Michael immediately stood up.

Michael and Albert alerted the scientist and they entered the police car. Michael contacted the police that had told them about the news and she gave them all the necessary information.

She was going to Lakeview Park.

The man was sitting down on a bench, looking at the skies.

Then Luz was suddenly in front of him. "Salut!" She looked at the man.

After his years of being with women, she could immediately identify the difference between men and women, and he could notice that Luz was a woman.

"Salut mademoiselle!" He kisses Luz's hand.

Luz was beyond disgusted.

"Tu es beau." Luz was irritated. She wanted to get this over with. "Merci beaucoup!"

Then Luz saw Michael and the others. "Oh, thank God." Luz sighed and the man looked back, in confusion.

"Is that a police car?" Luz nodded.

Michael came out with a gun, along with Albert. "Hands in the air, Glass!" The man did not understand anything that was happening.

"Ce qui se passe?" He whispered to Luz and Luz sighed. "Je ne sais pas." Luz shook her head and rose her hand.

Then a man with a long brown coat, with a black hat, came.

Luz could not see him at all, it was like he was a ghost.

"Sir! Please come over here." The French man went to the police's side and frowned.

Luz yawned and looked at her wrist watch. "Any minute now..."

Then the French man felt a pain in his chest. "Argh!" Then the man fell down, and died immediately.

"What have you done!" Michael started to scream at Luz and the man bent down and brought out something he had never seen before.

It was like a bullet and a needle. No human could describe what he saw.

"She used this to kill him." The man rose and showed Michael, Albert and the scientist. Even the scientist didn't know.

"What is this?"

"I'm a criminal, and you expect me to talk?" Luz sighed. "You must be the detective, right?" He nodded and removed his hat.

"It's very nice to meet you again."

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