Chapter 46.

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"Leave me!" Amity removed her hand and Amity stormed off in anger.

"You're so stupid." Luz looked at her and Amity turned back furiously and slapped her left cheek. Luz didn't do anything back but stared at her golden eyes with her brown but yet dark eyes.

Amity had noticed the wound on her cheek that she had paid the scientist to give her and nevertheless, she didn't feel guilty one bit.

"You owe me an explanation, Amity Blight."

"I do not. This is my day, can't I just enjoy it?" Amity asked her and Luz laughed.

"You expect me to forgive you for almost killing me? Ha. And you want to enjoy this so-called day of yours? You're a real funny girl, Amity." Luz rolled her eyes and looked at the skies.

"You made my life a living hell and you can't even apologize? This isn't the Amity Blight I once knew." Amity held her wedding gown and looked at the floor as Luz continued to speak.

"You're a terrible human being, do you know that? I've met people as bad as you but you... You're just worse."

Never had Amity Blight heard such words come out from someone's mouth about her.

"It's not my fault..."

"Then who's fault is it then! Is it mine?" Luz looked at her in anger and sighed, thinking that nothing was really entering that empty brain of hers.

"How could you Amity? It would be understandable to have called me one more time and told me you wanted it to be over but why?"

Luz clenched her hands.

"Who helped you when you needed help most? Me."

"Who always protected you when you were about to be in danger? Me."

"Who gave you a house and a luxurious life to live in? Me."

"And lastly, who loved you so deeply but you decided to throw that love away? Me and only me."

Luz bit her lollipop in anger and threw the stick away and started to chew it.

"I don't even know why Edric or Emira haven't spoken up to you. I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but you're scum of all scum."

Luz looked at her and Amity was pained hearing all this. It was hard to believe that Luz Noceda had hated her this much.

"I did this to you because-"

"Because I'm a criminal? Yeah, that's what they all say, don't they? You're just like all of them."

"It really hurt me when Emira came to the prison and told me you found another partner, Alice." Luz didn't cry or felt a feeling of sadness at all, not even a hint.

"I lost this eye because of you!" Luz went closer to Amity and she pointed at the eye that she had done surgery on.

"I got so many wounds around my body because of you, I lost so much blood because of you and everyday, I always faint because of so much blood I lost that day. And who was the cause of all of that, huh!?"

Amity replied.

"I. I was the cause." Tears started to roll from her eyes.

"I did so many things for you, Amity. I loved you so much, everyday that we were always together, I was always thinking that it was too good to be true for me to have found such a bright person like you."

"But who knew that the same Amity Blight didn't consider my feelings and just used me like I'm a toy."

"Who knew that you were a shitty person."

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