Chapter 12.

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The Next Day...

Luz woke up and saw Amity, sleeping like a baby. The sun was shining on her face and her face was glowing. It was truly a marvelous sight to see.

"Wake up, you sleep monster." Luz giggled and Amity was waking up. "5 more minutes..." Amity said to her as she continued to sleep.

"If you don't wake up, i'll make you experience something you'll never want to forget." Amity immediately shot up and Luz smiled at her.

"Good morning, Blight." "Good morning, Luz." They both yawned. Then Luz heard Amity's stomach grumble.

"Didn't you eat last night?" Amity shook her head. "Ho? So that kiss last night was your dinner?" Amity blushed and kept quiet.

"I'll make something. What do you want?" Luz asked, raising up her sleeves. "Pancakes!" She screamed like a child. "Pancakes it is." She kissed her forehead and Luz went to the kitchen.

"Okay... All the ingredients are here, perfect."

[You do remember the message that you wrote, right?]

"Of course I do."

[Anyway, you won't be killing his family, will you?]

"I was only threatening him, I can't kill innocent people." Luz smiled in a villainous way. "Or will I?" Luz started giggling.

Some minutes later...

"Here's your breakfast in bed!" Luz served Amity.

"Thank you Luz." She kissed her on the cheek and Luz smiled. "God. I am so grateful to you that an angel you sent from the heavens loves me so much." Luz thought and that made her shed a tear.

"Do your siblings know I'm here?" Amity shook her head. "Oh. I might as well surprise them, shouldn't I?" Luz went downstairs and put the food on the table.

She had actually made extra pancakes and when Edric and Emira came downstairs, they saw Luz. "Luz? What are you doing here?"

"I originally came here to meet Amity. My house was boring, so I slept with her." Luz yawned. "Hey... Who made this?" Edric saw the pancakes on the table.

"It was me." Luz started walking towards them. "I made it because you know... You've given me your blessing and all." She winked at them and they both started clapping.

"Nice one." Emira said. "Thanks by the way." They said at the same time and started eating.

Luz went back upstairs and saw Amity. "Amity, I need to start going. I need to open the shop-" Luz's phone started ringing.


"Yeah, Luz? Uh... Amy and I wanted to tell you that we're gonna work today, since we've been gone for a long time."

"But you aren't with the key."

"We always make a spare one, boss."

"But it's my turn-"

"Okay, thanks!"

Anne ended the call.

"Okay... Let me rephrase that sentence. Amity, I need to be going home. Do you want to go with me? I've seen your house and all, but it would be nice for you to see mine." Amity nodded and Luz waved.

"Okay, I'll be seeing you later." Luz used the window. "You can use the front do-"

"Ow... My legs..." Luz whined in pain. "Sorry!"


"The day has come." Michael said in a stern voice. "Sir. I promise, I won't let you down." Michael nodded and hugged him.

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