Chapter 52.

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"As days passed by, they would become worse and worse. Heck, they even broke my right thumb out of pure anger and I had to use brute force to put it back to its normal shape."

Luz broke her right thumb once again and it bent easily. Amity raised it back, using little force, and it went back to normal. "Well, that's something I would love to never see again." Amity sighed and looked at her.

"I'm sorry that my mother was like this. She didn't offer any help. If only I had the courage to just talk to her.

"You don't need to apologize, Amity." She caressed her cheek. "Now, you're a full grown woman, an independent woman and a strong one. I truly admire that about you, that's what makes you so attractive."

"Now you can stand up, speak up when it seems to you that something is wrong. You're stronger than me, Amity Blight."

Amity blushed and stared deep into her dark brown eyes that looked lifeless. She was afraid, she didn't want the death of the person she adores, she loves so much. It would break her, deeply.

Amity suddenly hugged Luz and she was surprised. Luz hugged her back and patted her head. "You're afraid?" Amity buried her head on her chest and nodded. "Everything will be fine." She ran her hands on her soft, smooth hair.

"Luz... Are you going to stay with me?" Luz gulped. Luz knew that Amity already knew the answer to this question but she didn't want to say 'I can't.' At this point, she didn't even know what to say.

She breathed in and out.

"Amity Blight," she started and put both of her warm hands on her soft cheeks. "Whether I die or not, I'll still love you. No matter how far we are, I'll still continue to admire you. You remain a special place in my heart, Amity."

"So the answer to your question is yes. I'll always be with you, to protect and love you, even in death. I'll even beg both God and the Devil to resurrect me from the dead to just see this adorable smile of yours."

Amity's eyes started to sparkle and tears rolled from her eyes. Luz patted her head continuously and hugged her, telling her that everything will be alright.


Luz could still hear Amity sniffing and Luz kissed her forehead.

"Amity, are you alright now?" Amity nodded and Luz used her cloth to clean her tears.

"But let's not go to deep into that topic, alright? I don't like seeing you cry."

Luz sighed and tapped her fingers. Suddenly, she stopped. Something was going on with her body.

"Not now..."

Luz cleared her throat and Amity looked at her. "Amity! Could you uh-"

"Turn to the other side? Don't look back, no matter what you do." Amity did as said and she didn't dare look back.

Luz grabbed the drugs on the table with the water and took it. She was coughing, but didn't make any noise. It was like something gummy was stuck in her throat.

It was her blood, but in a black, slimy way. Luz calmed down for some minutes and with her long nails, she scratched the table in pain.

"You can look back now."

Amity looked back to see a sweaty Luz, her right shoulder showing, and her hands shaking.

"Are you alright? I've never seen you like this."

Luz shifted back and shook her head. "I'm completely f-fine! Nothing's wrong."

Luz coughed and a lot of blood came out. She continued to cough, and it became worse. The colour kept on changing from light red to extremely black.

And then she fainted.


"Luz! Luz!" Amity called out her name as tears were rolling from her eyes.

Luz's eyes was more droopy and there was a little blood on her mouth and her cloth.

"Doctor, will she fine?"

William shook his head.

"She's in her worse condition yet. I don't understand, if she didn't even do anything at all, how could she-?"

"Surely, none of you have gone against what I said, right?" Amity and the others shook their heads.

Amity had also called Edric and Emira, Gus and Willow. They all were frowning, pitying the human in front of them. This person used to be such an optimistic, cheerful, energetic person but now, she's the complete opposite.

Luz coughed once again and again and eventually stopped.

"I'm completely fine, I'm just weak."

"All I need is some fruits and I'm alright!" Edric and Emira frowned. "And possibly a cure..." She muttered.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to help you back then, Luz. You look like how you were back then. We're so sorry." Edric said and he shook his head in dissapointment.

Amity was surprised that for so long, they decided to mention this.

"Well," she started and sat upright. "I'm glad that you at least wanted to help."

"None of you is at fault. It's just a family disease. And I'm the one who's going to end this disease."

Amity started crying and shook her head. She held her hand.

"Luz, don't say that!"

Luz was surprised and smiled at her.

"Amity... Always remember what I told you, and never forget it."

Everyone looked down, even Doctor Williams. Until Amity shot up and decided to say something.

"I can give you one of my lungs! Will everything be a happy ending then!?"

Luz sighed and shook her head.

"Amity, lung removal surgery is a serious procedure. Along it, you're most likely to die. A normal human being can live with one lung, but I have one lung and it's bad, isn't that right, Doctor Williams?"

He nodded in agreement of what she said.

"I'm sorry Amity, there's nothing for you to do, neither is there anything for anyone of you to do. All's well that ends well, but definitely not in my case for sure."

"I'm lucky to have loved, to have enjoyed life, to have friends, to have traveled around the world, to enjoy things I always wanted to enjoy."

"But nothing lasts forever, does it?"

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