Chapter 11.

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"Wait. I might have gotten a hint." The man who was holding the paper said to them.

The chief police officer stood up immediately he said that and held his hand. "Talk! What hint!?"

"If we go to the Lab and tell the scientist to check the blood..."

"Then we might find a clue! Oh, thank you!" A tear fell from his eye. "Okay! No time for crying. Let us go!"


"Uh... Hello?" John was knocking on the door.

Luz's hands were in her pockets. She was looking at the floor, kicking any small rocks she could see on the floor. She finally got to her house and saw someone at the door.

"That person looks familiar..." She walked towards the person and looked at his face. "Oh, John!" Luz looked at him and hugged him. He also hugged her back.

"Sorry for leaving, I went to go do something." John nodded and Luz opened the door for both of them to come inside. "Thanks for your help." John nodded and he sat down.

"Amy and Anne told me to tell you hi." Luz looked outside the window.

"What's wrong?" John asked softly.

Luz was seeing little children playing with each other, having fun as the sun was setting. "No, nothing... I was just imagining how life would be if I wasn't just like this, y'know?"

She sighed. Luz felt like crying again but it couldn't come out. She didn't even want to cry so she kept on looking.

"Life isn't fair to everyone. Someone can be lucky, rich, happy... While someone can be sad, poor and depressed. That's how your family-"

"Please. John. Don't mention my family." He kept quiet.

"I think you should come to work tomorrow. All of the customers have been asking about you, even little children." Luz sighed and nodded. "You can have a day off, John. You've helped me a lot in that shop." He nodded.


"Were you able to find anything?!" The chief police officer, Michael, screamed. "I found out that the name of the person Glass killed. His name is Mark Luther."

"Officer... Now that I actually think about it, Glass has been going for bad people." Michael closed his eyes and started thinking.

"Glass wrote that it's his job. To remove the bad people from this world. Where was Mark Luther killed?" Michael asked. "Sir. He was killed at a very famous park, Hills Park."

"Hills Park... Are there any records of him committing any crimes?" "Just murder, sir."

"I can see why Glass killed him."

(Even though that wasn't the reason)

"Glass is the combination of a villain and a superhero." Michael shakes his head. "I have never seen a human being like this."

"I'll try checking the body if I can find any fingerprints. If Glass had butchered Mark Luther, there ought to be fingerprints at least." The scientist said, heading on to check.

Some minutes later...

"No." He shook his head.

"There's no fingerprint, just... nothing." Michael's mouth was wide open. "So, that's just a dead man's body?" The scientist nodded.

"That we have no single idea of who killed him?" The scientist nodded again.

"But-! How could there be no fingerprint!? Just a little sign or something!? Maybe a string of his hair!" He shook his head. "No."

"Just nothing." Michael went on his knees and looked at the floor, already in defeat. "Is my family really going to die like this?" A police officer put his hand on Michael's shoulder.

"We can put police officers around your house! The strongest and best ones, in fact. They can't easily die!" Michael nodded and stood up. "I hope things will go well..."


"Okay John. See you tomorrow." Luz waved at him and he waved back and started walking away.

Luz closed the door and went to bed. "I want Amity to be in my arms right now..."

"I can just go meet her." Luz stood up and breathed in and out.

"This may even be practice for the sport festival." She started running and in less than 12 minutes, she reached Amity's house.

Luz got to her house and started to breathe heavily. She went to the back of her house and saw the window. "It's not the first time. You won't die. Risking your legs to see someone you love is a good thing, right?" Luz breathed in and jumped.

And then she breathed out.

Luckily for her, she landed in a pile of pillows that looked like they had been purposely put there.

Amity wasn't in her room but she heard her voice. "God! Her voice is heavenly!" Luz almost fainted.

When Luz was walking around, she wasn't focusing, so she hit her head, which made a huge sound.

"Yes... I'll talk to you later..." Then Amity heard the sound.

She ran upstairs and went to her room. "Who's there!? Speak!"

Then Luz saw Amity and Amity saw Luz.

"Hey...?" Luz waved at her and stood up. "Luz... You could've told me you were coming." She hugged Luz.

"But it looks like you already knew. For you to have put those pillows there, it's like you were already hoping that I would come." Amity started blushing.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly decide to come to my house?" Luz sighed.

"My house is too big and boring! It's like a castle but with nobody inside." Amity started giggling. "You sound like a child, Luz." She continued.

Then there was silence.

"Who were you talking to on the phone?" Luz asked. "Willow. Both of us are getting closer and we should be best friends by now." Luz looked at Amity.

She smirked.

"Oh? Here you are, talking to Willow Park, but not me? That kind of hurts, y'know?" Luz held Amity's chin and her face started turning red.


"I'm glad I really came to your house. I really wanted you to be in my arms." Luz kissed her cheek and shifted back.

Luz sighed.

"About what you said on the phone..."

Luz looked at Amity.

"I'm sorry about that..." Amity apologized. "Why are you apologizing?!" Amity looked at Luz with pity.

"Well... Thank you for the present. I'll treasure it." Amity looked at the top of Luz's head and saw that she was wearing the beanie.

"You sh-shouldn't have worn it!" Amity exclaimed as she was trying to take it from her head. "Oh, but I want to. After all, a very precious gem made it for me." Luz smiled and Amity was embarrassed.

Luz kept on smiling but at the back, she was afraid.

"I can't let Amity know about this thing, can I?" She frowned.

"Should I stop?"

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