Chapter 39.

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Gabriel, Arthur, Isabella and Luz were in the cafeteria, taking her breakfast. They sat and suddenly, Luz started to move, like she was uneasy.

Gabriel noticed as he was eating and he said."Luz, what's wrong? Why do you look so uneasy?" Luz didn't give a reply.

Arthur and Isabella looked at each other and frowned. Arthur whispered everything to Gabriel and he frowned too.

Then Gabriel shot up. "Luz! We're your friends, try to at least open up to us!" He shouted, making everyone in the cafeteria, stare at him with deadly eyes. He sat down quietly.

Arthur put his hand on Gabriel's shoulder and shook his head, telling him that there was no hope.

Meanwhile with Luz, she was feeling nothing. She, herself, wanted to know why she was acting like this: not expressing herself to her friends and feeling lifeless.

Luz couldn't eat, so she stood up and left. The three looked at each other, trying every possible way to bring back the Luz that they once knew before.

Luz collected the key from David, opened the cell and closed it back, throwing it back to David.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Luz turned and started to look at the wall, not saying a thing at all. David frowned at her response and he squatted, going closer to the cell.

She just didn't want to talk to anyone. Talking couldn't help.

It pained her a lot, for her to know that her girlfriend was dating another person, not even trying to give a clue that she left her. Sadness filled her heart to the very brim, she couldn't even utter a word from her lips.

"You know you can't stop talking forever." Her eyes widened at the statement that David made.

"A friend of mine once told me that when someone does something to you and it hurts, it's better to let it out than to hold it in."

"Because holding the pain inside hurts a lot." Luz clenched her hand and gnawed her teeth in anger, trying to hold back her tears.

David left, leaving the sad, unfortunate woman to let the tears run out from her eyes.

It was painful, hard. Even Luz that knew how to hold in tough feelings didn't know what to do about this one.

"Someone's here for you." Luz immediately cleaned her tears, but she still kept on sniffing.

She could hear the footsteps, but as the person went to Luz's cell, the footsteps she heard had stopped.

"It's funny to see the criminal here in one of the most popular prisons!" Edric laughed louder than ever before but Luz didn't speak.

"I'm just joking." Edric cleaned the tears of laughter and looked at her.

"Why aren't you talking?"

"Because I don't want to." He was surprised at how Luz's voice had turned deeper than before and he folded his arms.

"Emira came here before, yeah?" Luz nodded and he sighed. It was devastating for Edric to see something like this.

"Amity has-"

"Emira already told me." Edric could hear her voice cracking at every word she uttered from her mouth. He frowned and squatted, going closer to her cell.

"Is that why you're acting like this?"

Luz kept quiet and Edric looked at her.

"I forgive you, Luz. Emira told me what you said," he started. "But I know that Amity has moved on. Emira also told me you've changed and I can see the changes clearly." He smiled and scoffed.

Luz looked at Edric. They gave each other long stares until Luz started to talk.

"She told me that Amity has a partner. I wish her the best. I know that her partner is better than me in every single way possible." Luz smiled despite the fact she was hurting inside.

"Stop with this stuff, Luz." He frowned and her eyes widened.

"I know you're pained. Yeah, I felt that both of you were fit to be together, like fate brought both of you. Things just happened and both of you aren't to blame."

He stood up and dusted his clothes. "But I hope that when you leave here, you can live a life better than the one you lived before." He left and waved.

"Stay safe, alright?" He screamed and he wasn't at Luz's sight again.

"Live a life better than the one I lived, huh?" Luz scoffed.

"They really are twins indeed." She laughed. When Gabriel, Arthur and Isabella were coming out of the cafeteria, going to their various cells, they saw Luz laughing at herself.

They all looked at each other and they smiled. At last, Luz was back to her normal self...



"Em, I'm leaving! Tell Edric that I went to meet up with my friends!" Amity screamed and closed the door.

After so many years, Amity was living the life she always wanted. She had already graduated from university and she got to be a medical doctor like she always wanted to be.

In her spare time, she would read story books to little children in the library and also hang out with her friends she had made in Los Angeles.

She went to a park and as she walked, she already saw all of her friends there.

"Amity!" A young woman shouted her name from afar (Mary). She ran to them and greeted all of them.

"Nice weather we're having, yeah?" A man in the friend group (Ian) asked and they all nodded with happiness in their hearts.

Amity sat down and looked at all of them. "I'm so glad that all of you came!" They nodded.

"By the way Ian, I thought you were supposed to finish your work today in the office?"

He shook his head. He was originally supposed to finish his work today but after staying up all night, he was able to finish it earlier than he thought.

"How about you Amity? How is work going for you?" Josie, a girl amongnst them asked with her little voice.

"It's going really nice for me, thank you for asking!" She tilted her head and smiled and also giggled.

"What about your girlfriend?" Her eyes widened and she cleared her throat.

"She's alright."

"I actually saw her yesterday with your older sister, Emira. When they were talking, their faces were so serious." Mary rose up her hands and Amity looked at her confused.

"Talking? About what? Surely I didn't do anything bad, right? Should I ask her and Emira about what they were talking about?"

Amity's mind was swarming with questions and thoughts.

But she didn't bother and continued her day with her closest friend.

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