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[E D I T E D]

Can someone bring me poison? I want to die.

Yeona walked in the hallway and already, three people have already come to ask me why I punched the student representative yesterday? I don't know. Little do they know that I also do not know of the reason why I punched him in the face. I just— maybe it was pent-up frustration from years back. I don't know.

My head drooped on the floor as I walked down the hallway, hididng my head and pushing past the crowd to reach my classroom. As I entered I scanned the classroom for empty seats. When I spotted one, I moved towards it and sat down. My eyes gazed around to look for a familiar face here and there. When a hand tapped my shoulder and turning around I saw Saori, smile as she greeted me.

"Ohayo! Yeona san" She said, sounding like anime character. Not because of her voice but, because I watch too much anime for my own good.

"Morning-Morning Saori Chan," I replied remembering what it meant. She smiled beautifully becofre pulling the chair and settling down beside me. My eyes subtlely scanned her branded clothes and her dressing style.

When suddenly, I felt someone's gaze at me which caused the chills to run down my spine. Unknowingly, I looked up and I saw a reddish brown hair dude, staring at me. He was wearing a white flannel jacket and a white T-shirt underneath. His face was covered with a mask. But, his eyes had the same look as that of a predator, watching it's prey.

Was I the prey? I wondered as my heart skipped beats while I watched his eyes yet again turned blood red.

Half of me was mesmerized by the colour red and other half screamed at me to run away. So, I decided to listen to my otherside and quickly dunked my head, without giving it a second thought. My head hits the table with the loud smash but luckily no one noticed me making fun of myself.

"Are you okay?" Saori asks. I nod lightly without lifting my head.

Yeona didn't realize that her actions only amused Beomgyu which also act as a factor of him paying more attention to her. She raises her head to see if he was still looking or not. Seeing that he wasn't even there where he was sitting. She sighed in relief before taking out her book.

And, suddenly I heard sound of chair being pulled on my otherside. I look at the person sitting from the corner of my eyes. My entire body jerked as my heart dropped in the pits of stomach. Choi freaking Beomgyu was sitting next to me.

"So, how have you been?" He says, his voice deeply intimidating as well as annoying for some unknown reasons. I do not want to reply to him. So, I simply stare at my book pretending not to hear him as I prop my chin on my hand for support, obstructing his view of my face.

"Hey! I'm talking to you," He leaned forward, making his voice trickle in my ear, which was enough to send sending electrifying shocks down my body. I gasped and flinched away from him. And when my eyes met his, I could see him smirk.

"What?" I shouted, sounding like a bitch.

He raises his eyebrows playfully. I wanted to say sorry. I had a pride which stopped me. It is an act of revenge, no worries. I reminded myself it was the best and he deserved it. I kept this chanting in my head.

"How long are you going to pretend not to know me?" He asks.
"Forever and ever!" I replied calmly.

He props up his chin on his palm and gazes at me through his half closed eyes.

"Huh? Is that how you'll play? After all you did to me yesterday?"

I lean on my left side, "I have no idea what you're talking about?"

"You punched me yesterday,"
"I punched you? When?"
"Yesterday, You don't remember?" I pretend to think about it. I point at myself dumbly.
"I don't I really-" I gulp, "don't know what you're talking about?"
"At the bar, you punched me, see I still have a bruise here." He points to his cheekbone, I really couldn't see anything.
"There is nothing," I exclaimed but he narrows his eyes.
"Come closer and look," He says.

Subconsciously I shift closer to him bringing my face close. He reeked of earth, smoke and berries.

I notice the light purple mark on his cheeks.  I did punch him. Can I just punch myself? While I was regretting my actions.

My eyes flickered from his face to his hooded dark eyes. The blood rushes my face as I jerked my head back, hitting on the table and wincing in pain.

"Karma is a bitch!" I heard a mocking tone coming from him. I sigh, my lips tightly lipped. I caress my forehead glancing at him.

"You've zero consciences, right? Tch." He shakes his head in disappointment and I roll my eyes dramatically.

"I was trying to match your level of conscience, but look at you, you're already offended!" I smile sarcastically at him. His gaze turns cold, suddenly.

Thankfully Professor entered the class by then and our conversation dropped there. It did not put me at ease. His presence was enough to tense me up.

My anxiety took better of me as I started shaking my leg and it pretty much went all along the class. I couldn't focus much or should I quote 'Couldn't focus at all. I spare a glance at the guy sitting next to me. I look back at the professor, that was what I was doing all the time during the classes.

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Tysm for reading.

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