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My body tensed up. What is he doing? My mind was conflicted between my head and my heart. His lips caught me in a feverish kiss. I could taste somke and him, his scent clouding my heart and mind. I clutched the fabric of his black shirt, I hesitantly opened my lips for his tongue to invade. His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me close to his body. Exploring all the unknown corners. I shuddered causing my knees to weaken. I don't even know how I was standing after all. Beomgyu was overpowering my senses, my rationality and my body. He groaned, running his hands down my back. They finally rested on my hips. I was breathless.

He pulled away just before I could reach my limits.

A smirk resting on his lips, "Yeona..." He called my name in his husky voice. I was still restoring from the shock, I had just gone through.

He pecks on my forehead.
"Yeona..." He pecks my nose.
"Yeona..." He sucked breath before kissing my lips again. I was scared, He was gazing at me longingly. I inhaled the same air with him.

"Yeona....Run as far as you can,"
"Run away," He repeated his words again, breathing heavily.

But what he said caught me off gaurd. I frown my chest rising and falling and without batting an eye. I turned my body pushing him away from me.

"Young Master, she is running away!" I heard those men saying. I didn't turn to look. I ran back to the place where I came from. But my steps slowed down when I heard them speaking, "Young Master are you okay?"

And, I turned around to see him standing with the support of wall. The beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. While his burgundy eyes watched me. I breathed heavily, my mind still dizzy from the kiss. The way he was staring at me with those longing eyes. I want to.... I didn't even realuze when my steps came to halt. Those men surrounding him looked worried about him.

"Yeona!" I heard someone calling my name. I looked in front to see Ari and Narae standing. They grabbed my hand pulling me. "Come quickly,"
"But...He..." I looked back at Beomgyu one last time. He bites his lips, smiling fanatically. Everything in my surrounding grew hazy. All I could see in his eyes was lust and lunacy.

• • •

"Yeona what were you doing there? Do you know how dangerous the situation was?" Ari yells at me. I looked at her with confusion.
"He was lusting for your blood. What if he drank your blood?! You could've died Yeona?"
"Calm down Ari," Narae said to fuming Ari.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well, I...How do I explain?"
"She is a werewolf, And who works with witches," Ari sighed. I looked over at Narae, she smiles.
"I thought witches, Vampire and werewolf are enemy?" I narrowed my gaze.
"Except for my clan that protects the followers of the Heckate," Narae said. I nod understanding.

"Yeona! How did you get there?" Ari demanded, her eyes full of worries. I simply rolled my eyes.
"Long story short, I passed out at club. He brought me back home since we knew each other for long enough. Next morning, My feet got hurt and Yeonjun oppa asked me not to move around and I didn't have a choice so I ended up staying there,"

"Glad you are okay. Ari you picked up residual of Yeona's energy on Yeonjun right?" Narae asks and Ari nodded absentmindedly, she looked like she was in deep thoughts. Before a sigh escaped her lips.
"Yeona, I'm glad you're okay but please don't go near him in future," Ari warns me, patting my shoulder. I couldn't help but get irritated.
"Isn't that hypocrisy? You're married to a vampire and I can't get close to him. Why?" I snapped.

"Yeona, I and Yeonjun were married in different circumstances. I wouldn't say that I don't like him. But there is danger being with him and I'm just gambling with my life. You're still new in this world. You don't even know how to use your powers yet!"

"Ari is right Yeona, It's best to stay away from other species for time being and first learn about this world. It's dangerous," Narae added. I clenched my jaws breathing heavily glaring at them.

"I'm tired, where can I sleep?" I asked looking at the floor to hide my mutinous expression from them. They are blaming him, while he asked me to run away from him. If he really wanted to hurt me He could've done it already.

"Follow me," Ari turned around and I began to follow her into the hallway. The structure of building and interior looked familiar to what I saw in my dream. These were the hallways Soojin walked in my dreams. Wait. . . . Is this her coven? I inhaled air, my heart suddenly feeling alive and memories of that dream showing up again.

Ari unnie lead me through the passage, leading to the huge door. It had the a huge hexagram engraved on it.

"It's a protection seal," Ari said, breaking me out of daze.

The door opened, she walks inside while Narae waited outside. I looked around the huge room, moonlight falling inside the place with the snap of Ari's finger. The room lighted up making me flinch. She sighs turning around.

"You can stay here for tonight," she says. I gazed around the familiar room. My eyes falls on the balcony, I couldn't help but walk there remembering that one scene. When Soojin smirked at Mr. Namjoon- I'm still trying to figure out how he is related to the dream? He is a witch-No wizard I guess? This room. No wonder it looked familiar. This is the same room they slept together. Blood rushed my cheeks, my body began to heat remembering that one scene. I covered my face.

"Are you alright Yeona?" Ari asks.
I looked up with a sheepish smile, "Yeah, Are you sure I can stay in this room? Are there no other rooms available. This place is huge,"
She hesitated a little before speaking, "Well. . . We have only this room available right now. It's the only one squeaky clean,"
"Uh! I don't mind I can stay in a dirty room,"
"Yeona! Don't be stupid and go to sleep!" She said and walked out. Leaving me in the awkward room all alone.

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