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I take the scoop and put it in my mouth, slowly chewing without looking anywhere but my food. Suddenly, the sprinkles of soup sprinkle on my plate making me flinch. I look at the person sitting before me. Choi Beomgyu smiled sheepishly at me. I give him an 'I'm so done look.

He looked at me with puppy eyes, "What do I do? I can't hold chopsticks with my left hand," It was what he said.

Feed me, was what it meant. He gives me a puppy eye look. I close my eyes nodding. A sigh escaped my lips and I got up from my seat. I can feel the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria at me. I pressed my lips feeling embarrassed. I sit next to him grabbing the chopsticks from the plate.

My heart beats furiously as I pick up jjajangmyeon noodles, bringing them close to his mouth. Beomgyu smiles crouching down as he opened his mouth taking it. While looking at me side-eyed, smirking.

I hear the people in the background whispering.

"Is she his girlfriend?"
"Eyy! It can't be he is a playboy, a guy like him having a girlfriend,"
"You're right, she may be his new plaything,"
This one pissed me off.

I slammed my fist on the table, glaring at the girls who said that. They recoiled resuming to eat instead of gossiping like neighbourhood aunties.

I look back to glare at him but he was looking another way at those girls. A sarcastic smile appears on his lips, "Says the one who begged me to date her,"

My eyes widen and the entire cafeteria quietened at his loud and clear voice. I looked at him and the girl who said that. She lowered her head.

"Choi Beomgyu! How can you—" Her friend yelled angrily.
"Shut up!" Beomgyu snapped, his voice booming in the cafeteria as his eyes pierced through the girl and she got up and left. That was harsh. Beomgyu rolls his eyes and got up and left. I sat there quietly and awkwardly and I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria. I stepped out.

"Yeona!" A soft familiar voice called my name. I raise my head from the floor and my eyes met the familiar pair of almond eyes. She smiled, "Ari unnie?"

"You came here? Oh my goodness," She smiles and she wraps her hands around me.
I hugged her back.

"Yeah, I studied hard after that day and got here!" I told her.
"See I told you, so what major are you in?"
"I'm in history major,"
"You discovered what you like?"
"Yeah, After talking with you that day. I had some thoughts of mine sorted out and I began exploring my hobbies. . .but what are you doing here?"
"Well, I study here. I'm pursuing my masters,"

I met Ari unnie at the island, my home. She and her husband were there for vacation but their car broke down when they were returning from somewhere so they took shelter in lodging run by my family. I met her during the worst days of my life, I was considering suicide as an option. She saved me.

"Yeona I've to be somewhere, I'll talk to you later. Let's add each other on social media," She insisted.

I walk into the cafe, my wallet in my hand. At least have something to lift my mood. I walked to the counter to order, "Double choco-chip frappe," I said extending my credit card. From my behind I see another hand, I immediately look back to see non-other than Choi Beomgyu looking at the waitress smiling warmly. My heart skipped a beat. What's the use of a handsome face when personality is trash?

I knew the waitress was awestruck because of his beautiful sculpted face. I couldn't hear anything.

"Iced Americano," I swiftly turn my head glaring at the woman, who suddenly made eye contact with me and got back to her work.

Keying my order she quickly returns my card. I look at Beomgyu before turning around to leave, completely ignoring him. Suddenly, he grabs my hand. I sucked the air through my teeth as I take a step back.

"Yeona let's sit together," Beomgyu said, still holding my hand and taking me to an empty seat near the window. My eyes fixated on her hands, butterflies erupted in my stomach. My face flushed red. I don't know why.

Millions of questions and these unpredictable feelings muddled my brain. I sit down with him sitting in front of me staring outside and I was staring at him. None of us spoke a single word. He turns his head towards me, smiling warmly.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier," He apologised.
I replied, "It's alright,"
"Yeah. What else?"
"you don't have anything to ask?"
"What should I ask are you a playboy?"
"T—" He began, I cut him in middle.
"Even if you're, I don't give a damn! I'm stuck with you until your hand heals and then we won't associate with each other," I smiled sarcastically.

"How do you know Ari?" He asks out of the blue and I raise my head and narrow my eyes.
"None of your business,"

He scoffs rolling his eyes.

"You're way too bold,"
"I get that a lot," I reply with a genuine smile.

The smile on his face disappears, He glares at me. The moment my eyes met his. His met mine, He looked into my eyes with those inhuman red eyes. It glowed like rubies. It was exactly like my dream. A shiver but I bit my lips to calm myself when I heard my name being called. All the colours on my face disappeared the more I looked into his eyes.

"Ha!" I laughed breaking the eye contact. My breath hitching. I repeated in my head, You're hallucinating. It's not real. Its hallucination.

The waitress was calling my name because my order was ready. I sensed Beomgyu looking at me, still smiling. I returned him a small smile and got up, "I think I gotta go!" I said softly.

He nods.

I push the chair back and walk to the counter. Yeona did not feel the malicious gaze, like a wolf staring at its prey with a hint of bloodlust on her as she turned her back on Beomgyu. The warm smile changed into a cold, bloodthirsty expression. The dark aura exuding him made the environment of the cafe dark.

A lopsided grin rested on his lips as his eyes droops, gazing at her he licked his lips. The little bud has bloomed into a pretty flower.

Tysm for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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