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[H E A V I L Y   E D I T E D]

Narae, Ari, Yeonjun and Soobin watched the video Kai brought with himself which showcased how Yeona was butchering nosferatu clans gaurds.

"I've never taught her this way of using weapons." Narae began, holding the hem of her clothes tightly.
She glanced at Ari, "Most probably she remembering her past life. This is the second time she brought these skills."
"Yeah, first time was when she suddenly used destructive spell." Ari confirmed.
"It's a good sign....but she is doing things without thinking of her own well being. She could've gotten hurt.", Yeonjun said with concerned voice as he replayed the video again, watched the young girl slay her enemies.

"No hyung! She would've died if I didn't drag her away from there!" Hueningkai interuptted as he leaned forward, shutting the laptop. Ari gasped as she gazed up, "What do you mean?"

"To stop Yeonhee from using her powers and leave. There are humans disguised among those monsters. If by any chance Yeonhee tries to escape, she has to kill them all. Those humans are trained in using magical tools so it becomes pretty hard to discern between humans and monsters. And, if a demigod kills humans. You know what happens right?" Hueningkai explained as he leaned back on the chair, his eyes growing dark as he thought of Yeonhee again.

"They die of blight!" Narae completed Hueningkai's sentence.

Beomgyu leaned back, as he watched Yeona breath peacefully while maids tucked her into the bed. His hand covering his lips as he listened to the conversation that was taking place in the room where he wad before using his enhanced senses. His breathing becoming abnormal just from the mere thought. Because blight was like a disease for demigods. It was a reminder that served for their unfinished divinity.

In ancient times, when there were many demigods. They used to fight against the evil on Earth and in consequence they would get infected but, those kind of blight was still removable using cleansing techniques. But, if they were to ever harm humans the blight would appear on their bodies as a punishment from the heavens. It was not something that could be removed. It was lethal and constantly served as a reminder to demigods to never misuse their powers.

What if Kai did not bring her here? His face showed no expression which made the maids hurry up. Just before he fell deeper into his thinking, he heard a knock on the door. Hueningkai stood their with a smirk resting on his lips.

Beomgyu breathed out, glancing back at Yeona. His eyes turned red again, black mist started coming out of his hands, through which manifested the chains that binded her one hand to the bedpost to prevent her from running away. Before he gazed back at Hueningkai, who chuckled.

"You're the only one left to be tamed I guess," He taunted, earning a frown from Beomgyu who was confused by what he meant. But, Kai simply chose to turn around and walk out into the hallway with Beomgyu walking next to him.


Yeona groaned in her sleep, slightly awake. As she tossed on otherside wondering. Why do I feel so drained?

I felt my muscles screaming at me.

What is this smell? It's familiar.... so sweet.

Just at the thought of sweet. My eyes snapped open in a heartbeat.

I pushed myself to sit up, feeling the silky soft fabric right beneath myself. When I gazed down and found myself sitting on the big mattress with sheet draped around my body.

The bed had mesh canopy, which made the rooms appear opaque through it. I still could make it that their were big windows on the right side from which bright light was coming through. On the left were two big wooden doors, some furniture scattered around the room.

This place... Ah! I remember, I went to save my sister and then some foreigner guy appeared and flew me in this place...It's Beomgyu house.

Beomgyu? Just as the thought of him came in my head, where I recalled feeling the sharp pain before passing out. I recalled all that happened between him and me in the bathroom. How he suddenly bit me. It was his fangs, right? My hand travelled all the way to my neck, when the sound of something metallic attracted my attention qnd when I glanced down at my hand I saw my hand cuffed with a long chain that was tied to the bedpost.

My heart skipped a beat. I tried to pull my hand hoping for it to come off, but chain was strong. But before I could even start panicking. The door of room opened and I saw Beomgyu walking inside with a tray in his hand. On top of it was a glass of water, juice and a plate with food on it which wasn't very visible.

The moment I saw him smiling, my hand suddenly grew itchy. I barely supressed the feeling by clenching my jaws, wondering how he manages to get on my every single nerves.

"You awake?" He asked his voice full of amusement. Happy and loud enough to piss me off.
"Yeah... I just woke up!" I replied softly, while I watched him put the tray on the night stand before he removed the canopy. His eyes meeting mine, I simply smiled sarcastically.

"Beomgyu...these chains? They hurt." I pouted as I pulled my hand to show him how closely it was binded to the bedpost, restricting so much of my movement.

He glanced at the chain, "Oh that...." He snapped his finger, black smole exuded from the chain before it disappeared along with it.

I stared at my free hand for a moment, but then his voice trickled in my ear. Bringing me back to reality, I glanced at him. Before curling my hand throwing a punch on him, making him stumble back and before he could gain balance, I got off the bed and folded my leg, and held his slumped shoulders and knee kicked him into abdomen.

"Ha...Now I feel so much at peace. You're face was certainly annoying me."

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