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After negotiating with my other personality. I was able to come outside, but the moment I opened my eyes I felt the heavy weight crushing my body. No wonder I was having hard time breath. I glanced at the sloth of a man sleeping, with half of his body resting on top of me. I could've slipped out of but strangely his biceps were loosely wrapped around my neck.

His lips were parted as his peaceful intakes of breath caused his inked chest to rose up and down.


I began calling him out, softly at first tapping on his arm. I didn't want to surprise him. But seeing him not having any intention of waking up or moving aaay from me I was left with no choice.

"Yah, Choi Beomgyu!!"

I called out his name countless along with tapping his arm hoping for him to shift it. But he slept like a stone, without budging causing my cortisol level to rise early in the morning or you could say noon. It was half past twelve. Why isn't anyone coming? I wondered.

Yeona was completely unaware of the fact thay he had instructed servants and steward of the house to not to allow anyone to enter his room unless and until he gets out or calls for them. Yeona continued her struggle.

"YAH! CHOI BEOMGYU GET UP!" I yelled, shaking my body like crazy. 

I felt him takimg a deep breath, "Eh! Good Morning!"
"Fuck morning! Get the fuck off me!" I cursed and glared at him side eyed.

His messy dark brown hair disheveled and sprawled on white fluffy pillow. I had an urge to grab fistful of his hair to wake him up now. My hand moved on its own, I grabbed his hair rocking his head.

"Get. The. Fuck. Up. Choi. Beomgyu." I broke down my words as I spoke, and I succeeded this time because he opened his eyes, first expression he had on his face was of annoyance.

He took a deep breath as I loosened my grip on his hair and he removed his arms from me, allowing me to roll on the other corner of the bed almost instantly.

"You came back? I thought, you would be gone for while." He grumbled, since the room was silent I was able to hear him.

I faked a gasp, "You wanted me gone. I believe."
"Yeah, similar to how I can't believe that their are two of you in one body," He scoffed.
"I never thought you'd be a narrow minded person!" I lamented faking sadness, "Do you hate me now since you got someone you can tame?"

I could feel his gaze on me and since I didn't look at his direction, I didn't know what kind of face he was making. I hopped off the bed and was on my way to bathroom.

But I let out a scream when suddenly he grabbed my wrist and slammed me against his inked broad chest. His arms snaking around my waist. A gasp naturally leaving my mouth.

"Its doesn't matter if there are two sides on your or thousand, I'll love all of you." He whispered his voice trickled inside my ear.

I froze, My heart began beating violently. Before us was vanity mirror and I could see him embracing me tightly in his arms. A genuine smile covering his lips. He watched me in the reflection of mirror the same way I watched him. That expression, was of a man who was head over heels in love. The expression I have seen thousand times on the face of that woman in my dreams. An expression I've seen everyday in the morning on my dad's face whenever he gazed at my mother.

I became breathless, as the warmth emitting from his body began spreading on mine. Why? I wanted to ask but the words didn't come out. I'm so useless, do I even deserve that love. Tears rimmed in my eyes while I stared at myself in the mirror completely frozen and speechless.


In the bathroom, after I bathed I stood in front of mirror and saw all the new skincare products placed in basket neatly. It was from the brand, a small smile appeared on my lips as I wondered how he found out the brand I used.

I took a coinsize amount of body lotion in my hand and looked up in the mirror all ready to apply it on my skin. When my eyes fell on the reddish purple marks  scattered on my neck, collarbone and chest like petals of flowers.

A gasp left my lips, as I gazed at those marks in with horror stricken expression. I assumed that we did do something. But I never thought there will be this many marks on my body. When I gazed down at the skincare and make up products in the basket and then at the clothes left on the sofa inside the bathroom and quickly walked there and held in the air.

It was a v-neck pullover and jeans for the bottom. It was not enough to hide the hickeys on my neck and collarbone. I realized why all of this was sent. I huffed in disbelief. This guy....what in the world does he want to show the world?

I went and grabbed my phone from the slab in front of mirror dialing his phone number. And, it didn't take time for him to answer.

Beomgyu: "Hello?"

Yeona: "BRING. ME. ANOTHER. CLOTHES!" I demanded.

Beomgyu: "I. Don't. Have. Anything. Else. Remaining clothes were taken away by my sister-in-laws." He simply laughed. Making me wish to punch him in face and break his hand once again.

Yeona: "What do you mean? I can't wear these my dads are outside!!"

He didn't answer for sometime, as if he was processing what I just said. There was 5 second of silence on the line.

Beomgyu: "Put make up," He answers hurriedly, slight panic visible in his voice.

Yeona: "Its too dark, make up wouldn't work. So don't joke around bring me clothes!"

Beomgyu: "I can't, I'm telling you. This mansion is very far off in the woods it will take half a day to get you clothes,"

Yeona: "Then what shall I do now?"

Beomgyu: "Is there no way?" He asked, his voice growing meek all of a sudden.

And I couldn't help but smirk realizing that this guy right here wanted to make a good impression on my dads.

Yeona: "No! There isn't."

"Don't they post a lot of hacks online?"

A/N: Votes!!!

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