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I lazily sit on his comfortable sofa with one leg near my chest, surfing through social media. The sound of the door clicking open and I look up to see Beomgyu walking out, my eyes falling on his plastered hand slightly wet at the edges and then on his face. He was still wearing glasses. Does he never take them off? I wonder how he looked without them?

"I thought of making you dinner, but there is nothing in the fridge," I said putting down my phone.
"Hmm. . . Shall we go shopping?"
I look at the clock on the wall above him, "Now? Well, it Its Sunday tomorrow."
"You know how to drive right?"
"Dude, I drove you to the hospital!" I give him a look. He raises his eyebrows.

He opens a drawer near the door and throws the key to the car at me. I cup my hand to catch it. He walks back to the room and I hear him call me again. I frown and he had a He opens the cupboard for me.

"Take a jacket from here its cold out. . ." He said.

I raise my eyes in surprise and looked down at my thin clothes. I rushed here because I was scared something happened to him. I walked to the closet where I have never been. Interestingly, the closet was a walk-in closet. A gasp left my mouth when I peek inside. One side of the room was lined up with formal clothes—tuxedos, and formal shirts and another side was filled with casual clothes and a table in the middle. Inside the glass table. I saw numerous neckties, bowties and watches. I gasped, I looked back at him. These are all branded. This is the same kid who said he fights street fights because he wants to pay his school fees.

"Did you win a lottery or something?" I mutter under my breath and bite my inner cheeks and I looked again, "Are you sure I can take from these?"
"Yes, You can. Quickly take and come out!" He calmly said leaning on the door. I nod, pulling out a black jacket with a furry collar. It went well with my black jeans. I wear, of course, it was big, warm and furry. I quickly came out.

I follow him downstairs to the parking area. Nearby I see Yuna's motorcycle parked and I keep looking at it. Until, I bump into someone, Beomgyu. He looks at me and disappointingly shakes his head. I narrow my eyes glaring at him.

"We are here," He said and walked to the other side of the car.

I bring my focus to the car, another gasp left my soul, Mercedes Benz. I sheepishly walk to the driving seat, open the door and sit. My first driving an expensive car, I hope I don't hurt the car. Or I might become his slave for the rest of my life. I gaze at him side-eyed, keeping my cool. I inserted the key bringing the engine to life and slowly started driving.

I feel his gaze on me as he leans his head on the other side, I keep smiling driving carefully.

"Is there a problem?" I ask and look at him and then again look at the road.
"I just remembered, I asked you a question. How do you know Ari?"
"Why do you want to know?"

Not hearing a reply, I sigh, "She is someone who saved my life once, What about you?"
"She is my sister-in-law." My eyes widen and looked at him. I now know Why the fuck is he so rich? I pushed the breaks and pullover.

"You're from CHOI CONGLOMERATE!" I ask my eyes falling out. He looks and smile and nods. My lips fall apart, my heart beating violently. My breathing quickened. Not because he was someone extremely rich and I can associate with him. My heart and tongue burned to ask him for help. I kept blinking my eyes for a moment.


My head buzzing and scenes of my twin replay in my head help me. Her voice rang in my ears and I closed my eyes breathing out and shook my head.

"Nothing," I pressed the escalator and the car begins to run.

Choi corporations are one of the biggest conglomerates in East Asia and extremely influential in Asia and America. They are extremely rich, people say they have a long lineage belonging to the very old noble family of the nation. I know it all cause I've been searching about them for a while, the only family that can stand against the SKZ group, which is equally powerful. I pressed my lips thinking about all of it.

After passing and a few blocks after, the supermarket arrives. I pull over, carefully parking. We step out of the car. He walks to the door, I look at his back longingly. Will he help if I ask?

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