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Unknown Pov

I clicked on the another clip our staff sent. I saw the girl in red hoodie sneaking around in the building.

"You saw this girl reaching the top floor?" I asked the people standing behind me, nodded. All of them shivering as if I made them stand in the arctic circle.

"Yes, but as soon as the elevator gates open someone broke the glass and took her out." Before we could figure out. They disappeared in the mid air.

I clenched my molars, glaring at the screen. I can sense mana in entire building, she is a witch. You're telling me single witch came and killed 50 vampires and werewolves on watch. I sneered staring at the screen.

"Mr. Felix.... Patriarch is calling for you." Felix eyes glanced at the man standing at the door and sighed. He pushed the chair back getting up.

He straightens his tuxedo and walks out of the security room. And follows the informant, they went into another elevator which was "Where still working. He pressed the button of top floor.

Silence filled the elevator while both of them waited for the door to open. Felix glanced outside the glass wall at the city. The sun rising up from among the buildings. In the back of his head he imagined the girl in red hood and the person who broke the wall and rescued her out.

He tilted his head, "Who would that wench be?"

Ting. The elevator door opened.

"Young master we are here." The voice snapped him out of his train of thoughts. I nods, stepping out of the elevator. There were gaurds standing there all bowed as soon as he stepped in the hall.

He didn't even spare a glance at them, and walked inside the room. Where he saw his brother brushing Yeonhee's hair, smiling.

"I'm here Hyunjin hyung,"
"Did you find out who was that intruder?" He asked gently, behind that gentleness one can sense the seething rage.

I glanced at Yeonhee, she had a expressionless face. As she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked no different than a doll at this point. I can tell, how much she hated this asshole of a brother of mine.

"I did but her face is not clear. I can sense strong mana in entire building. I think its a witch."
"So you mean a darn witch. Penetrated this high security and killed so many without even sustaining a injury?"
"We don't know if she is injured or not?"
"I don't smell blood of a witch here?"
"T-that's true."
"How the hell did she know the security positioning?"
"I- I do not know. I'll find it out. Hyung."
"You better do that. My Yeonhee must've gotten scared because of her," He said and leaned closer to her hugging her upper body.

I could see veins popping out in her jaws. I bit my inner cheek.

I hear someone knocking at the door"I think camarilla's involved specifically, Those three Toreador brothers."

I turn to see my other brothers, Seungmin and Jeongin standing there. Rolling my eyes, I added, "I think so too. Choi Yeonjun's wife is a High Priestess of that coven. They must have joined hands."

Hyunjin finally sets the comb down and began braiding ber hair, "You think?"
"But to break through the high class security. Someone from inside must have sold us out."
Jeongin interupts, "Do you think those brothers know about Yeonhee? I mean, she did come in public. Did they find out that we have found the cure for our curse?"

Hyunjin nodded, "Are you saying that witch wanted to take our Yeonhee away?"
"It can be the case,"
"Did you hear that Yeonhee? They wanted to take you away from me." Hyunjin said, mockingly. While he slided his hand down her arms. She closed her eyes, what could she do other than bearing with it.

It saddned me, that I was their brother and had their blood running in my veins. But does it matter? He'll kill me if I make any wrong move.

"Shall we lock you in the dungeon? It will be best." I could see Yeonhee's eyes widen. She clenched the fabric of her dress, as her breathing quickened.

Hyunjin smirked seeing her reaction, he leaned forward. "Awww. Why ate you looking at me like that? I was joking. Why would I do that to my obedient little rabbit?"

Then, he glanced at us. His expression changing rapidly. His cold gaze was piercing us, "Jeongin, Call for the meeting. Felix take Yeonhee to the mansion it suburbs. You'll be in-charge of her security. I hope you won't make a mistake my brother."

I gazed at the floor and nodded, "Yes hyung. I'll do it right away." I heard Jeongin saying the same thing.

Yeonhee on the other hand watched brother go out leaving her alone with Felix. He gazed at Yeonhee a small smile appearing on his lips as he sighed.

"I'm sorry for that," Felix said, as he apologized.
The corner of my lips curled up, "It's alright. I'm used to his antics."

Among all the brothers Felix was the only one who treated me like a human. He was the only one who avoided sleeping with me until I reaached adulthood. It doesn't really matter, cause all the others what they wanted? Even if I was a minor.

I liked Felix as he tried his best to support me. He was most considerate of all the brothers.

Even though he is scared of his brothers and there were times, he prevented his brothers from sleeping with me because I didn't feel like it. I cannot refuse them because of the blood pact I have taken. In times like those, when I didn't wanted to do it. Felix would notice it instantly and come with exuses or works to stop them from doing it.

"Are you okay? She didn't hurt you right?"
"No she didn't. I didn't even know something like that happened?"
He sighed, "That's good to hear."

I smiled recalling the memory of last night. When Kai told me that Yeona was here and she was killing people.

"Your sister iis going on killing spree. She is going to reach top floor soon." Kai said, while still hugging me.

My eyes widened as I pushed him away to see his expression. I thought he was joking but his expression was serious.
"No way! How did-"

"I've no idea!" He raised his hand even before I could ask.

"We need to stop her before she reaches this floor. There are many humans mixed among these gaurds. Killing human will give her lethal blight."

As soon as he heard that, he stepped back and flew out of the window. And rest is the history.

I'v no idea how she learnt something like killing vampires and werewolf, maybe her abilities made her stronger or like me she also remembered her past life. It doesn't really matter, at the end of the day. Her safety is all that matters. She has a big responsibility she needs to carry out.

Why can't both of us have normal lives? I thought and sighed.

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