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[H E A V I L Y    E D I T E D]

"C'mon let me take you to bathroom...you stink and need a good bath!" Beomgyu interuptted everyone. As he grabbed my hood to pull me back, away from Ari and Narae.

My eyes full of surprised emotions, glanced at Beomgyu. He had 'i'm so done' expression on his face. I was frozen for a moment while staring into his burgundy pupils when he suddenly leaved forward and whispered into my ear.

"I want to talk about our deal, be quiet and follow me out," He said releasing my hood, he grabbed my wrist tightly and began pulling me out of the smoke filled room.

Blood rushed my face, as the view of my world went upside down. My heart began beating violently, his warm hand sent tingles through my entire body.

"Beomgyu? What do you want to talk about?"

My voice trembled as I spoke. We entered in the quiet, dark hallway with only huge window and lights from outside was our only medium of light.

We entered in a room and then went through another door into a bright room. No! There is tiles everywhere and a jacuzzi. Is this a bathroom? My thought as my eyes flickered from one furniture to another.

He yanked me on the sofa (inside a bathroom?) Before hovering on top of me, his eyes burning with anger as he glared at me as he roughly grabbed my cheeks, making me wince in the pain.

"Ouch! It hurts!" I said, eyes tearing from pain. What terrified me even more was his face and the black mist that was exuding from his body. It was enough to paralyse my body for a while, I simply closed my eyes.

"It does? Then, let this serve as a reminder. Never go against my will, I asked you in starting. Your body belongs to me, I won't stand if you hurt even a strand of hair on your body?" I recalled that night, we made an agreement in which I said, I would completely belong to him if he just help me save my sister. I never imagined he could get this angry?

"But, I did not get hurt?" I managed to utter.
"Get this through your thick skull, I won't tolerate something like this again. Go against our deal, I'll kill anyone who even taught you how to use your damn powers." Tears automatically rolled down my eyes, as I nodded.
"I'll not do it again!" I shuddered.

He stared at me for a little while, before releasing me and sitting on the other end of the sofa, while I blankly stared at the ceiling. Wondering, What the hell just happened?

I glanced at Beomgyu who was sitting on the other end, he seemed to have calmed down a little bit. But, he still looked restless. Suddenly he got up and walked upto one of the drawer on the other corner of the bathroom and pulled out a scissors. Then, he appeared in front of me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to stand up, he turned me around and began cutting the my hoodie which seemed to have been stuck on my body because of blood and sweat.

Next moment, it slipped down my arms. Cold breeze hit my body, making me shudder. It was then, when I realized that I was in just camisoles. Blood rushed my cheeks, but I didn't speak a word and simply curled my fist to bear with the embarrassed feeling. How he behaved earlier...I was too terrified to speak up now.

I guess he will leave. I thought in my mind. But, my breath hitched when he all of a sudden snaked his hand around my waist, bringing my body closer to his. The moment his warm chest collided with my back, a shudder ran down my body feeling all his muscles against my skin.

Eyes widened, I lifted my face stare into his ruby like eyes, while his other hand wrapped around my neck, gently he held my jaws before making me look in other direction. In all this, my heartbeat was rising and rising to an unimaginable level, the simple touch felt body paralyising, as warmth swept into the pits of my stomach travelling all across my body making me feel thirsty.

I gulped in anticipation.

What is he doing? I thought. But, then I felt him leaning closer to my neck. Lowering himself even more, I felt the tip of his nose rubbing against my skin making me gasp. Then, I felt his lips puckering on my collarbone. I inhaled deeply, my hand clenching the fabric on Beomgyu's sleeves. Unaware of the feelings that was stirring inside me.

I stopped breathing for a moment, closing my eyes acknowledging the pleasure that was taking over me from his mere touch, just as I was about to drown myself in it. I felt a gut wrenching pain in my collarbone, it made me shot my eyes open.

I wanted to scream, but his hands moved fast, covering my mouth and supressing my screams. Tears rolled down my eyes, blurring my view. I wanted to get away from him, but the more I tried struggling, tighter he held me.

His fangs sunk deeper in Yeona's skin, while tears rolled down her eyes uncontrollably, her actions begging to be freed. But, all of it were futile. Yeona breathed heavily, slowly giving up on her protest. Her eyes grew bleary as the black dots appeared in her vision.

She lost her consciousness.

The moment she passed out, Beomgyu gazed up at the mirror set before him, staring at Yeona. The blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but what his eyes cared to watch was the mark on Yeona that appeared as soon as he took out his fangs.

It was the choi family crest, sword with thorns and roses wrapped around it. A smile appeared on his face, before he leaned forward pressing his lips against the mark. Making Yeona, hiss in pain.

"I can't wait to make this mark, permanant."

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