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A/N:-I was listening to this when I was trying this out.

My body froze for a moment after hearing what he said. It was unexpected, very unexpected. I knew it all along, both I and he are not just normal acquaintances or friends. There has always been this thing between us that made me tense around.

"And, will it be enough for me to be yours?" The words slip out of my mouth on their own.

"Yeah," He replied.

Whenever he is around, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. And at that moment, even though my heart was burning, my hands and feet turned cold there was bizarre calmness taking over me when I said.

"Then, I'm yours!"

I had a crush on him since the first time we met. I was too young to even understand or acknowledge it. Now that I have, I feel so satisfied. Who is going to tell me that what he had asked me isn't something he needed to ask me for?

He was staring at me intensely, and his crimson orbs widened. His mouth opened ajar. Why does he look surprised after asking for it? I thought. When I looked into his eyes we locked eyes, staring at each other intently.

Before I knew it, I gave in and my eyes flashed as he kissed her deeply, changing angles several times.

Her small lips were forced open with his tongue circling them. He forcibly pulled her tongue out, sucking it up to her, tangled like a snake with his desires.

His saliva thrilled Yeona like an aphrodisiac. Her head felt dizzy and her body felt thirsty all over. On the contrary, she felt like she was going to fly away as she would lose herself if she was swept more away than this. This reaction was completely normal towards Beomgyu, it was one of the signs that he belonged to the Toreador clan.


Yeona could barely look up, gasping and begging one last time. However, his tongue, which ran long over her red and wet lips, swallowed her ruthlessly.

He casually unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Yeona was shivering, tears filling her golden eyes. No matter what he was doing. She felt completely powerless, she couldn't sense any mana inside the room. Yeona breathed heavily as she gazed at him.

"Beomgyu wait!" Her voice wavered. He softly caressed her exposed belly, making her close her eyes shut.

Simple words froze Beomgyu in his place. And blinked his eyes staring at Yeona in confusion.

"I need time, I can't do it suddenly!" I whispered, pulling my top down. A sigh escaped his lips and he sat back covering his face with his hands.

"But you came to me first and when I asked you to teleport me out you made an excuse that you cannot!!" I retorted his claims.
"How much?"
"How long do I have to wait?"
"I'm not telling you to wait but, since I'm not used to stuff can we take things slowly."
"Is that all?" He asked uncovering his face.
"Yeah!" I breathed out when we locked eyes again.

I could see him restraining himself back. The awkward tension between us was rising as none of us spoke. But then, my stomach growled with hunger. Never in my life did feel happy for my stomach growling.

"Guess, I'll look for something to eat," I said and got up and waddled towards the quickly. When I opened the fridge to look for the ingredient most of the things inside were nonvegetarian. I was a strict vegetarian, I never liked eating meat from a young age, and when I grew up a little. I opted for vegetarian food.

There were some vegetables in the fridge that you can put in noodles and then took out noodles from the cupboard assembling next them to the stove. I was washing the vegetables, when I sensed Beomgyu coming inside he leaned on the island and crossed his hands on his chest.

"You do know what I'm asking for right?"
"Yeah, My body," I replied rather nonchalantly. Things like these don't embarrass me.

Beomgyu stepped closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I flinched, because of how suddenly he did that. I closed my eyes tightly, gripping the fabric of my skirt tightly. As he sneaked his head in the crook of my neck. My heart was beating against my chest wildly.

"I don't just want your body Yeona...." His lips were puckering against my skin, "I want your heart and blood to belong to me as well, you as a whole."

My eyes widened and I gasped for air. And held my breath while he still held me not uttering a single word. It sounded like a damn CONFESSION. Is he in love with me or what?

"You know I still find it hard to believe that you are ready to do something like this, for your sister. Isn't it humiliating?"

I was snapped out of the train of my thoughts when he asked that. I turned around wondering 'What sort of expression he was making?' When he said that. He looked seriously worried about me. My brows went up in amazement. A sneer remembering my sister.

"I don't feel humiliated at all...." I reassured him, "..... And even if I did, I would have said yes. Because that  humiliation is  not even half of what my sister would be feeling."

"You know what is happening to her?" He inquired, his eyes widening when he looked into my eyes.

When he asked. How? I turned around and gave him the blank look before replying, "Because I saw that happening right in front of me,"

His already widened eyes widened even more and his lips fell apart. I could see him getting impatient.

"And how old were you?"
"13!" I replied.

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