You Grab Their Ass

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Reekid: Looks at you and goes red. Jokingly bites his lip and gives the Fuckboy face making you laugh.

Mully: "OI!" Slaps your hand away from him, laughing. "Fuckin' pervert!"

Josh: "The fuck-" Looks at you before giving a resting bitch face. "Y/n, we are in a fucking McDonald's. Stop."

Juicy: Moans. He fucking moans. No matter where you are, he moans.

Narrator: Whips his body to face you. Flustered. "Y/n, nO-" Laughs embarrassedly.

Eddie: "Aye, what you doing, fool?" Blushing while looking at you. Whistles at you.

Smashing: "Don't touch there, I just shit myself."

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