Pick-up Lines They Use

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Reekid: Are you a stripper pole? Because I wanna move on you all night long.

Mully: Are you my homework? Because I wanna slam you on my desk and do you all night.

Josh: I named your stomach white van cuz I wanna put some kids in there.

Juicy: Roses are red, pickles are green, I love your legs and what's in-between.

Narrator: I can sing my abcs to you. I'll give an a because you're awesome, a b because you're beautiful, a c because you're confident, and I'll give you this d because you deserve it.

Eddie: Aye, Mami *Whistles* Roses are red, violets are blue, lucky for you, my bed has room for two.

Smashing: Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.

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