You Have Acne

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(Requested! Thanks so much for requesting!

Also, this isn't just for acne on the face but on the rest of the body.

And by the way, it doesn't matter how much acne you have or if you have acne scars or anything, you are still beautiful. If people make fun of you for acne, they're dumb as fuck because everyone including bullies get acne.

I actually have a book on beauty and fashion advice and one of the chapters is how to treat your acne if you're looking for ways to get rid of your acne. You don't have to, you're beautiful with or without it.

Alright, enjoy, my loves! I hope you have a good day and I hope you're happy and healthy! You're amazing and you matter, you're loved and I'm here for you!

Sincerely yours, Izzy)



-Mans don't give a fuck
-He gets acne too!
-He's literally a teenager going through puberty
-He gets acne ALL THE TIME
-He finds you so fucking beautiful no matter what
-No matter how much acne you have, he loves you and finds you attractive no matter what



-He doesn't care at all
-If it's like crazy out of control, he forces you to see a doctor or get medication for it
-He's the only one who gets to lightly tease you about your acne, anyone else is dead the second they even THINK about making fun of you or pointing it out



-Mans barely even notices it
-He loves you for you, babes, not your looks
-Sure, he still finds you beautiful no matter what, but still
-If it goes out of control and becomes cystic, he will force you to get acne medication



-He doesn't care about your acne
-When he's in his goofy mood and so are you he messes with you
-"Can I name this little guy Bob?"
-Mans names every bit of acne on your body bro
-If you have severe acne scars, he will kiss every single one of them to make you feel beautiful



-He doesn't care how much acne you have
-Sure, if it's cystic and stuff, maybe he'd make you see a doctor just in case it gets infected, but other than that, you're beautiful in his eyes
-If you're insecure about it, he'll help you either get rid of it or help you love yourself more
-"Everyone gets acne, Y/n. Sure, some more than others, but that doesn't make you ugly or not normal. You're human and you're beautiful. And if you want to, I'll set us up an appointment at one of those salons where they work on acne removal and clear skin. Maybe we can get massages or have ice baths if you want to? It's all up to you, Honeybunches. I want you to tell comfortable in your own skin. I love you."
-He makes the appointment for the two of you and you get the spa day
-Or he showers you in compliments and makes love to you



-He doesn't care
-He may try to pop some just to see the puss/ingrown hair come out though
-"Can I pop one? Please?"
-He gets you medication for it
-Fights anyone who points it out and makes fun of you



-Cuddles you with a smile when you're insecure
-"Don't be insecure, babes."
-"Wanna see my scars and acne? I have a lot of it, too, hun."
-You compare scars and acne together
-She compliments you and every scar and bit of acne
-"See? You're not a freak. You're so beautiful and you're not alone."



-Does not care one but
-"All of us get acne, babe! It's fine! You're still beautiful!"
-If you get insecure about it, he shows you his own acne all over his body
-And scars too
-"See this one? This one literally squirted onto the mirror!" "Kinky." "Hahaha! The fact puss is white makes it funnier!"
-You both laugh at this now for hours



-He doesn't really care
-"Everyone gets acne, baby."
-"Wanna compare acne patches? I got some on my thighs."
-He helps you treat it so it doesn't get out of control, but he doesn't care how much acne you have
-On occasion mans goes "Can I pop one? You can pop one of mine."


(Have a great day/night, my loves!)

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