AUTHOR QNA + Fun Facts

355 7 24

Who Is My Favorite Boy: It's a tie between Juicy and Eddie, so Team Gay all the way, baby!

What Is My Favorite Color: Red :) ♥️

What Is My Favorite Animal: Fox, but if in a mythology sense, Dragons

What Other YouTubers Do I watch: I don't stick to one account or anything, so anything true crime, Minecraft, try not to laugh, people having bad days, pimple popping videos, animal videos

When Is My Birthday: July 12th, 2008

Where Am I From: America

Not many questions were submitted, so random facts about me:

I'm a Cancer ♋

I come from a family of physic mediums

My great grandcousin is Marilyn Monroe

I have a service dog named Merlin

I'm pan/bi(still trying to figure it out)

I DESPISE people who force their opinions/religion/etc on me(I will probably slap you if you get in my face too much tbh)

I'm that one person who is good at writing, but horrible at talking and expressing feelings

If you say "UwU", I'm shoving my foot up your ass

I can bark like a real dog, idk how or why, I just never questioned it lmao

I have six piercings, normal ear piercings, spiderbites on left cartilage, septum, and my left eyebrow(I plan on having many more PLUS tattoos)

I prefer to hang out with guys because I hate drama

I am a simp for all of the boys (don't you fucking judge me)

My favorite food is sushi

My favorite drink is blue raspberry ICEE

I have a goblin brain and love shiny things and I must have them. If you have any, I will take it. Hide thine jewelry

Ketchup. Yes.

Gummybears. Yes.

I'm disappointed in the movie world (AHEM VELMA AHEM RIVERDALE)

I will drop kick any child. Kids suck.

I like cats. And dogs. I have both :)


Okay enough


Love y'all




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