You Get A Service Dog :D

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(I am getting a dog to train for my medical needs! His name is Merlin and I'm gonna be getting him tonight or tomorrow! Wish me luck with all the training! Also, if you need a service dog, or any help like a therapist or anything, don't be afraid to ask! It will help so much and you will no longer need to suffer. Love you guys so much!)

Reekid: Loves this dog. Spoils it and cuddles it all the fucking time. Always respects it when you need the dog by you. Tries to help you train the dog but keeps getting distracted. (If training is needed)

Mully: Gets pissed at people who want to touch your service dog. Got in a HUGE fuckin fight with a karen who wanted to pet your dog and wasn't listening to you. Makes sure the dog and Milky are best friends, buying the most expensive toys and treats for the both of them to share.

Josh: Kinda iffy at first. He then goes and buys every expensive dog toy, treat, clothing, bed, cage there is. Makes sure the two of you are always in the same room, just in case anything happens. Cuddles and pets the dog with your permission.

Juicy: Immediately asked if he could use pet dye to dye the dog. The service dog looks like an eboy or a goofy mf with the dog clothes Juicy buys lmao. Respects the fact if you need the dog, he'll not cuddle or pet or mess with it while it helps you.

Narrator: Extremely proud of you for getting help. Helps train the dog, if needed, spoils it, and always makes sure it's with you all of the time.

Eddie: LOVES DOGS. Makes sure the dog is okay with cats, and makes the service dog and the cats best friends. Makes sure the dog isn't a skinwalker, or possessed or anything. Spoils the ever living shit out of the dog.

Smashing: Glad you got the help you need. Always playing with the dog by playing fetch and stuff like that. Cuddles the dog with your permission, and always makes sure the dog can get to you, no matter where you are.

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