Pregnant? Pt. 6

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You go into labor...


Mf PANICS. Literally freaks the hell out. Takes 5 fucking minutes for him to come back to reality. Grabs your arm and gets an Uber to the hospital. When you get there, you nearly collapse, but luckily Reekid and a couple of  kind people on their way out caught you. The nurses saw you and immediately got you into a wheelchair and sent you to a room, Reekid never leaving your side. When you gave birth, he held your hand and whispered encouraging words, as you pushed out the baby. 


Definitely not prepared at all. Just grabs your arm and speeds to the hospital. Nearly got a speeding ticket, but the officer let it slide, seeing you were in labor. She got in her car, started her siren, and led your car through traffic, and even helped you walk inside. Josh and his significant other were there when you went into labor, so they were also there to help you easy the pain.


Y'all were prepared. Y'all had a bag and everything. When it happened, calmly lead you down the stairs and into the car, kinda sped, but made it, and y'all had to get a C-Section.(If you don't know what a C-Section is, it's basically where they have to cut the baby out from your stomach. So basically a full on surgery.) When you recovered, he was right by your side.


Like Josh, prepared. His mum actually was staying in a room so she could help you properly, not to Narrator's convenience. He thought... no KNEW she was paranoid. But let her stay after some prodding and pleading, she stayed in your guest room, whe you were 5 and half months pregnant. When your water broke, she was immediately at your side. "GRANT GET THE BAG AND THE CAR READY IT'S TIME!" When you got there, you and his mum were negotiating names. Narrator was having a full on panic attack, but when the time came, he was the most wholesome cheerleader you could ever ask for. He was there the whole time, holding your hand, kissing your head, whispering caring things. When you recovered, he was crying tears of joy, holding your child, his mum crying as well, at your side.


You were staying at his mums house with him. You were with his mum when your water broke, and he was filming. She got his dad to get Eddie as she frantically pushed you towards the car. It was a hectic yet, hilarious, car ride, listening all 3 of them panicking in Spanish as you were huddled in the back with his mum. When it was time, Eddie was there, holding you the whole time. He hated seeing you in pain, and having to hear you scream in pain made him cry. When you were done, repeatedly kissed your head over and over.


You were already at the hospital. You wanted to stay there for the next few weeks before your due date, because you were paranoid. When you went into labor, you called Smashing, who was at the store. He freaked tf out, saying "fuck the groceries" and sped to the hospital. When you were giving birth, you heard smashing cheering you on quietly, holding your hand.

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