Chapter Eighty: Holiday in Scotland

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16th of August 2013 - The Castle of Munster

The trip up to Caithness had taken over twelve hours for them to make, Adeline glad that they had left rather early this morning and the two of them had taken turns driving up from London with pit stops along the way.

It was late evening when they finally pulled up at the Scottish estate that now belonged to Simon, the weather had been in their favour for most of the day and it was beautiful.

Climbing out of the car, Adeline was in awe of the castle it was nice to see places like this that were well maintained and kept in working condition compared to many that had been allowed to rot away.

"What do you think?" Simon asked climbing from the car, he had done his best to make everything feel normal on the way up; he had been so worried that Lucy would be the give away before they'd even left London.

His sister had taken Adeline out on a spa day before they had left, Adeline's nails had been manicured for the engagement not that Adeline knew that.

As far as Adeline was concerned, she was spending the day with her best friend having a relaxing time before she went away on holiday with her boyfriend.

"It's beautiful here," Adeline confessed, the estate was like rolling up to a hotel and looked picture perfect; nothing seemed amiss and it reminded her of when she visited her grandmother's estate.

Opening up the trunk of his car, Simon started to get their suitcases out; he knew that he had to be careful, the ring was currently seated in his suitcase.

The last thing he needed before he could go through with his plan was for Adeline to find the ring, his girlfriend deserved a proper proposal and he was determined to give that to her.

Adeline grabbed hold of some of the bags before they headed inside, the place was very modernly decorated and she could see markings that were clearly Anna in the decorating around the place.

Simon pointing out things as they went so Adeline would be able to find her way around the place; the castle had many areas and many rooms, it was easy to get lost in here.

Although it was the perfect place for playing hide and seek as a child, he'd spent hours with his siblings playing games here; there was so many places that one could disappear to and hide away from the world.

The place felt like a maze to Adeline as they made the way up to the bedroom, she was sure that she'd get lost at some point while they were here.

Entering the bedroom, Simon set the suitcases down by the bed while Adeline flopped down on it; kicking off her shoes and closing her eyes, it was so peaceful here away from it all.

It was one of the many reasons that she always enjoyed her time in Scotland, a place where she could hide away from the world that always expected something from her and expected to be a perfect princess.

"I'm gonna freshen up," Adeline announced pushing herself up from the bed, she pressed a kiss to Simon's cheek before she headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Simon waited until he heard water running before he moved to his suitcase and popped it open, quickly digging through the layers of his things before he came across the ring box.

Opening it up quickly, Simon stared down at the ring suddenly feeling more nervous about what he planned to do; his heart pounded in his chest and his hands felt sweaty just looking at the engagement ring.

The sound of movement in the bathroom made Simon quickly stuff the box into his pants pocket, he looked up and pretended to act completely normal as Adeline emerged from the bathroom.

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