Chapter Thirty-One: Nearly All Grown Up

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29th of April 2004 - Clarence House, London

"Is everything alright?" Camilla asked looking up from her lunch, she could not help but notice that he had been rather quiet and she worried that something was upsetting him; she had never known him to be this silent during their meals together. 

It was rare that they had time like this together, he usually had duties to attend to or he was focused on being a supportive single father to his three children. 

Things had certainly improved between him and his children, he had certainly stepped up when their mother had passed and he had done what he could even if he had made a couple of missteps along the way. 

William was doing well at university, his new girlfriend was lovely from what Charles had said; he seemed to be taking his time with her, he wanted to make sure that she was prepared. 

Then there was Harry, who had seemed rather uncertain in his role in the monarchy when William's path was set for him; he was on his gap year and it looked like he was going to enter the military when he returned. 

Finally, there was Adeline, who was set to finish school next year and was already thinking of the future; she had come so far from the shy young girl that had lost her mother. 

 "Charles," Camilla said speaking a little louder when he did not respond to her question, it was unlike him and she hoped that everything was alright. 

The last few years had been rough and they had come so far, finally they were reaching a point were perhaps they could even start thinking of the future; she had never though such a thing would be possible for them. 

Blinking Charles looked up from his salad, he stared at her for a moment trying to think of what she had said to him; he had missed it and from the look on her face, he had missed quite a bit of what she had said. 

He had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, Charles had not heard much of what she had said; he felt bad for drifting off especially when he had not seen much of her. 

"My apologies," Charles replied offering her a small smile, trying to reassure her and he hoped that he would be able to enjoy the rest of his lunch with her.

Setting down her cutlery, Camilla stared at Charles waiting for him to tell her what was wrong and wondering just what it was that could bother him; she had never known him to be this quiet even though he was always a quiet and thoughtful man. 

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, Camilla waiting for him to speak while Charles pondered his thoughts; he had never thought that he would be in this situation. 

"They're nearly all grown up," Charles murmured shaking his head, he set down his cutlery and looked at her; knowing that she would understand, she had two grown children of her own. 

Thomas and Laura were a little older than Charles's own children, they had flown the nest a while back and he had no idea how Camilla had done all of this. 

"Adeline's got her first boyfriend," Charles admitted to Camilla, he had been unprepared for such a thing and he had not thought that it would happen so quickly; a part of him had not even considered that she might start dating. 

Even if that had been rather foolish of him, Charles had wanted nothing more than to continue to think of Adeline as his little girl; he could not help but think of what the future would hold for her now. 

"I am unsure how to proceed... at least with the boys, I knew what to expect even if they are very different men than I," Charles admitted with a frown, he did not wish to see either of his sons make the mistakes that he had made. 

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