Part 6

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Today for the first time, I feel the urge to tell you something that happened to me. Usually I do not feel comfortable with speaking things that happen during my day and bother me. I try my best to not be a burden to you. But now, the second the problem happened, all I was able to think about is you. I really need your comfort, and I need to speak to you to feel safe. I do not want to annoy you with my problems but this time it feels different; I have to tell you. The problem is that I never found someone to listen to me since I was a kid, and it made me learn how to bottle my feelings up. Although, I am going to speak up this time. You always make me feel better and I am grateful for that. It makes me happy that you always try to understand me when even the closest people to me do not give me a chance to explain. I don't think words are enough to convince you that you are exactly what I am looking for.. I need you beside me for a long time, and I need to feel your comfort at times of distraught. As I have said before, you impact me in so many ways and this is one of the most powerful impacts you have on me. Please bear with me and understand me because I was always the misunderstood and maltreated kid. I have my trust in you. I want to turn to you and feel secure. You are my safe place. You are my favorite person, and the one I trust the most. Please do not let me down. I will not let you down either, I promise. I will cherish you until the day I die. I dream of being able to run into your arms and escape all of the difficulties I face in life.

حضنك سوف يأخذني الى عالم آخر مليء بالطمأنينة و الراحة.. سأشعر انني في وطني! سأشعر بالدفء و الاستقرار، اريدك بجانبي دائمًا فانا بحاجةٍ اليك. اريد ان الجأ الى حضنك و انسى كل ما ارهقني في حياتي. عسى الله ان يحقق حلمي ولو مرة واحدة و اراك لكي اشعر بالراحة النفسية و زوال هموم الحياة عني. اريد ان انام بسلام في حضنك...

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