My angel (Raghuvaran x reader)

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"Raghu listen to me" He just walked out of the house "I am sorry aunty no one can control him when he's angry or upset" "It's okay dear" "Aunty I'll stay with you till he comes" You smiled at Raghu's mom. She returned the smile back "I hope you marry Raghu" She placed her hands on your cheek. You chuckled "He's so lucky to have a friend like you and you'll make a good wife for him too" "I love Raghu dearly too aunty he doesn't see it though" His mom smiled and held your hand "He will soon either ways I'll somehow see to that you two marry each other" You laughed as she went back to do her work "Aunty I'll just get my phone from my house" "Sure dear" You ran to your house which was just nearby and got your phone . You came back to see Raghu's mom on the floor. You ran upto her as she held her chest . You didn't waste your time as you picked her up . You somehow managed to make her walk till your car. You started your car and drove to the nearest hospital. She was taken into the ICU. You tried Raghu's number. Why is he not picking up his phone? You paced back and forth infront of the ICU. Few minutes later you got a call "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT PICKING UP YOUR CALL?" "Hey what happened (Y/n)?" "Your mom is having a heart attack" "What?" You gave him the address of the hospital . Few minutes passed by as you saw Raghu ran upto you "What happened?" "It's been an hour since she went in the doctor is not letting me know about anything" Just then the doctor came out of the ICU . You ran upto him "Doctor is she fine?" "She is perfectly alright we gave her some medicines and she'll be good in a few hours. It's all because of you miss you admitted her at the right time " "Can we see her?" "Yes you can" Raghu hugged you tight "Thanks so much (Y/n)" He cried onto your shoulder "You are my angel and I love you" He kissed you on the forehead "I love you more now go and speak to your mom" You wiped his tears away. You and Raghu walked into the room. Raghu went upto his mom and gave her the biggest hug . You smiled at them "I am sorry mom" "It's okay Raghu" She placed her hand on his cheek. She signalled for you to come to her. You walked upto her "Are you okay aunty?" "I am great (Y/n)" She turned to Raghu "Raghu promise me something" "What is it mom?" "Whatever happens you should never leave (Y/n) and promise me you'll marry only her" "I'll be super happy to have her in my life mom" Raghu smiled at his mom as he side hugged you. You smiled at him and held his mom's hand "I'll take great care of you and your son aunty" You laughed as she laughed along with you. Raghu kissed you on the head "My angel" He whispered into your ear making you chuckle. You made the hospital payment . "Doctor when can we take her home?" "You can take her home by evening" "Thank you doctor" Raghu was talking to someone on his phone "Who?" "Dad" "What did he say?" "He said he's coming over with my brother" "Fine" Raghu was sitting beside his mom as she slept. "She'll be alright" You caressed his cheek. He kissed your hand "I am so lucky to have you by my side (Y/n)" "I am the luckiest" You smiled at him.

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