Stalker (Maari x reader)

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You run to your phone as you hear the sound of a notification. You pick it up and sit down on the couch. It was from whatsapp. You thought it was from your mom but no it was from an unknown number. You thought of blocking the number before reading the messages.

Unknown: Hey (Y/n) you look pretty today

(Y/n) : Umm... Who's this?

Unknown: You'll know that pretty soon baby

(Y/n) : Stop texting me before I send your number to the police

Unknown: I can't (Y/n) I like you and I want you

You switched off your phone and threw it on the couch. You walked back and forth thinking about who to ask for help in this situation "Maarii" You smiled as you thought about your friend.

"Maari" You called out as you entered his house "(Y/n) what are you doing here?" He raised an eyebrow at you "I need a help from you Maari" He scanned you for a second with his hands on either side of his waist "Come in" You walked into his living room and sat on the couch. He sat beside you "I think I've a stalker" He stared at you for a second before breaking into a laughter "What did you say?" He asked in between his laughs "Maari I'm serious" He stopped laughing but still was giggling "You know what forget it" You stood up as he pulled you by your wrist "I'm sorry (Y/n) are you really serious?" You took your phone out and threw it at him "Look" He looked at the chat and looked up at you "What am I supposed to do if you've a stalker?" "What if he kills me? What if he's a serial killer? What if he tries to rape me? What if he's inside my-" You stopped as you tried to think "What if he's inside your what?" "I think I forgot to lock my door" "Are you for real? You've a fucking stalker and you leave your door open" "I'm sorry but I was really scared-" "First go back to your house" "Maari what if he's in come with me" "(Y/n) nothing will happen you've my number with you call me if anything happens" "But-" "Just go" You ran back to your house.
Hours passed by and you were relieved to find out that no one entered your house. You thought of going to bed. You heard a notification from your phone. You woke up with a start and took your phone out.

Unknown: *Sent a photo*

It was a photo of you sleeping. You looked around your bedroom but no one was inside the bedroom. You wanted to check the house once again but now that you know he'd be inside the house somewhere you were scared. You opened your contacts and looked for Maari's number. "Maari" "(Y/n) why are you awake it's like almost 1 a.m." "Maari I think he's inside my house I can't sleep peacefully knowing that he's here" "What? How do you know that?" "He sent me a photo of me sleeping" "Okay I'm coming don't worry" You were relieved finally that Maari was coming over. You heard a knock at the door after few minutes making you run upto the door instantly. "(Y/n) it's me" You recognized it was Maari right away . You opened the door and let him in. "Do you know where he is?" "I don't know where but he's inside my house I'm scared to check" "Okay you wait right here I'll check" You watched as Maari walked upto every room checking for your stalker. "(Y/n) everything is good he's nowhere go and sleep now" He was about to walk out of your house as you pulled him back by his hand "Maari please don't go" You looked at him. He looked at how scared you were right now "(Y/n).. " "Please just stay with me" "Okay you go inside I'll sleep on the couch" "No sleep with me on the bed" "(Y/n) I can't do that" "Pleasee" "Okay fine" Maari locked the front door and followed you to the bedroom. He laid down on the bed. You switched the lights off and laid down beside him. Maari was asleep already but you couldn't. You felt someone's hand wrap around your waist. At first you were about to jump out of the bed but you then realised it was just Maari. This made you blush furiously. He pulled you closer to him. You didn't complain because you felt safe with him.

You woke up to look at the time. It was 2:45 a.m. You were parched so you thought of getting some water. You walked into your kitchen as you searched for a glass. Someone wrapped their hands around your waist and mouth. Your screams were muffled. You tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was of no use. You bit his hand making him remove it for a second "MAARI" Maari heard you and came running to the kitchen . He looked at the stalker angrily "Let her go" "Why should I?" Your stalker smirked at Maari . Maari ran upto him before he even had time to react and punched him right on the face. He let you go finally as you looked at Maari fight with him. Your stalker didn't have a lot of energy left in the end. "Will you stalk her again?" "No no I'm sorry I'll never ever come to her house again" He ran out of the house. You hugged Maari as tight as you could "Thanksss" Maari smiled but pushed you away "No problem now shall I go back to my house?" "Maari stay" "Why?" "Because... " You walked upto him and stood on your tip toes. You held his shoulders for balance. Your lips were close to his but weren't you touching .You looked into his eyes . Maari looked back into your eyes. You gasped into his mouth as he pulled you by your waist and now he was kissing you like you would run away if he stopped. You smiled into the kiss as he pulled you closer to him. He picked you up making you wrap your legs around his torso. He walked into the bedroom with you in his arms still kissing you. He dropped you on the bed as he laid beside you. You smiled and wrapped your hands around his torso "Am I your girlfriend now?" He smiled and turned to you "Yes" He kissed you on the forehead and placed his hand over yours.

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