Not really dead (Dhanush x reader)

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"Are they gone?" "No" Dhanush turned away from the window as he sunk to the floor sitting beside you. "I don't think we'll make it out alive" You brought your knees closer to your chest wrapping your arms around it. Dhanush placed his hand on your shoulder "(Y/n) whatever it is I am going to protect you . Even if it means sacrificing my own life" You turned to him and scoffed "Thanks yet sounds cheesy" You chuckled which made Dhanush roll his eyes and giggle. A growling zombie outside the door made you both turn to the door. "Are you sure they won't break in?" "Come on they won't break in like look at the pile of things stacked up" "I don't think so" You looked at the door in fear as the zombies outside started to bang on the door with full force as soon as the sensed the smell of two survivors. Dhanush's eyes scanned through the room . He saw a lot of tools neatly arranged in a shelf. You both were lucky to have been stuck in a storage room. He handed you a hammer . His hands were tightly wrapped around an axe. "Stay with me... " He pushed you behind him. "No I'll protect you" You pulled Dhanush by his arm and pushed him behind you. Dhanush frowned at you "My dear bestie I know you're a really good fighter but right now let me protect you" He pushed you behind him again. You rolled your eyes behind his back . The tower of things piled at the door started to tumble down as the zombies kept banging on the door. The door flung open "Let's go" Dhanush beheaded the first zombie coming at you both "Eww" You ran along with Dhanush as he ferociously cut through the zombies. You helped him by smashing some zombies on the head and abdomen. You both moved out of the small room . You were met with a lot more zombies outside. "Fuck" You cursed under your breath as you both sprinted towards the zombies. Dhanush slashed a zombie right in the abdomen making it split in half. You heard a growling sound behind you as you turned around and smashed the zombie's head. It fell to the ground. Dhanush was slashing through the zombies as you saw a zombie right behind him which he obviously didn't pay attention to. "Dhanush" You plunged forward and hit it perfectly on the head. You both were out of the building in seconds. "What do we do now?" "Let's get to my car" "Do you have the keys?" He took the keys out of his pocket "I do" Dhanush pulled you with him as he ran towards his car and opened it. You and Dhanush threw the bloody weapons in the back. You and Dhanush got inside the car hurriedly . He started it as he drove in full speed "The action scenes helped you out I guess" You smirked at him referring to the way he slashed the zombies out there. "Kind of" He giggled "Now where are we going?" "To safety" "Where tho?" "My home" "Do you think it'll be safe there? What if the zombies had already broke into your house?" "No way they don't just break into your house they aren't that brilliant" "Hope you are right or else there's no way out than to die" You sighed as you looked at the dead silent road. "Come on... we'll make it out we just have to wait till the rescue team arrives to the place and they'll get the survivors out" "I hope so" "Till then we have to stay safe"

"Shit shit shit noo" You turned to Dhanush who was cursing non stop "What happened?" "The fuel" You looked at the fuel meter "Shit doesn't look good what are we supposed to do?" The car came to a stop as the fuel was fully drained out of it. "Let's walk" "Crazy enough" "We have no way out let's just go pick up your weapon" "You took out your hammer and handed the axe to Dhanush. You and Dhanush looked around to see the road empty. No signs of human existence. You and him walked gently in a manner to not attract any zombies nearby. "Stop" Dhanush placed his hand infront of you. You looked up to see a zombie biting on a man. He let out a blood curdling scream. The zombie stopped as it sniffed around. Dhanush held his axe infront of him getting ready to kill the two zombies infront of him. The man who was just bitten by the other zombie was slowly turning into one.

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