Blood and water (Kathir x reader)

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Kathir started losing his mind after he killed the only person who loved him with all her heart and his son who he cared for and loved the most. "No no no" Kathir started to cry as he saw Manu from the corner of his eye crying uncontrollaby. "Manu you're the only one I have" Manu and Kathir sat down as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Days passed by with Kathir slowly moving on from the terrible incident but it didn't stop him from killing people. "Manu Manu" Kathir looked around his house searching for his son. He finally found out that he ran away from him. Kathir started to cry as the only person he had by his side also ran away from him. Kathir didn't want to go in search of his son anymore and just gave up but nothing ever stopped his urge to kill people.

"This place looks beautiful" You turned to your best friend. "It does" He looked down at you as lust filled his eyes. You looked a bit confused at his stare as he held your wrist tight. "What are you doing?" "I want you (Y/n)" You still looked confused as he came closer to you . He tried to kiss you as you pushed him away and ran away from him. It was getting dark and you were running through the forest trying to get away from him. "(Y/n) stop I don't want to hurt you" You saw him chasing you. He was almost closer to you. You tripped and fell down. He pulled you up "I said I don't wanna hurt you bitch I just wanna have fun with you" "I should've known your intention when you asked for me to go on a trip with you alone" You sobbed as you tried hard to pull away from his grip. "Let me go" You pushed him and sprinted away from him. You stopped and turned around as you something whoosh past you . You saw your friend on the ground with an arrow struck to his chest. "What the actual fuck" You turned to your front as you came face to face with a guy. "Was he troubling you?" The guy asked with a stern expression on his face "Y-yes" "Well... " Your friend was spitting out blood from his mouth. Kathir walked up to him and put his knife to your friend's neck. Your eyes widened as he split open his neck. You closed your mouth as you tried to back away from the guy. "He's dead now he won't trouble you anymore" You looked at him with tears filling up your eyes "What happened? You don't want him dead" "No I mean... I thought he was my friend but all he wanted was to have sex with me" You fell to the ground "Hey hey it's okay let's get out from here" "Where?" "Do you wanna maybe come to my home and like rest there for the night " "Yeah okay thanks" You smiled at him . He pulled you up and you both walked towards his jeep. You and Kathir got into the jeep. He started the jeep as he drove towards his house. "So.... this guy he was your friend?" "Yes" "Did you come here for vacation?" "Yeah" "I'm sorry I had to kill him" "It's okay he deserves it how can he... how did he get the heart to lie to his friend this whole time.... asshole" Anger radiated from your voice . Kathir just had a straight face as he kept driving "I am (Y/n) by the way" You turned to Kathir. Kathir turned to you with a smile on his face "Kathir....nice to meet you mam" "Nice to meet you too sir" You and Kathir giggled together. You both reached his house. Kathir unlocked the door as you got in. He closed the door behind him and followed you into the house. "Your house looks beautiful" "Can I ask you something?" Kathir stood beside you. You turned to face him "Yeah sure" "I mean... I literally killed someone and still you came with me to my house aren't you scared of me?" "Why would I be scared of you? You saved me back there" "But I killed him" "You still saved me and I ain't scared of you" "But what if I tell you I actually can't control my urge to kill people" You just stood there processing his words. Is he letting you know that he's a psychopath? " You scared of me now?" "I mean I guess I should be... " Kathir looked down "But I don't know why I don't wanna be scared of you for some reason" "Why?" He chuckled "It's like... " You looked into his eyes "I have this feeling.... which tells me I am safe with you and I have nothing to be scared of... " Kathir who was looking down finally looked into your eyes. You smiled at him "Don't be nice to me I'll eventually fall for you (Y/n)" You smiled and held his hand "And I'll be happy to catch you" Kathir stood frozen and his mind started to race back to his past, to his sons, to his wife, to his once loving family. Kathir started tearing up and pulled his hand away from you and slowly stepped back from you "Kathir... are you okay?" You tried to place your hands on his shoulder "I d-don't want to do this again (Y/n)" Kathir started crying as he walked outside his house. You were confused on why he's acting up like this all of a sudden. You thought of giving him his space maybe he'll open up later. You walked around his house and admired how his house was just as perfect as he is. You looked outside. He was just standing outside sobbing. You felt sorry for him so you walked upto him. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder. "Kathir I don't know what it is that is disturbing you but I don't want to see you cry" "Why (Y/n)? Why do you care for me?" "I think I like you Kathir" "You do?" "I do and I'm damn sure about it I know I just met you but something about you makes me wanna stay with you for the rest of my life" "I'm a monster (Y/n) it's safe for you to stay away from me" You sighed and hugged him "You're not a monster to me Kathir" Kathir who thought his love was dead started to think it came back in the form of you. Kathir hesitated to hug you back but something in him told him to have you too. He hugged you back after he gave it a lot of thought.

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