Twin trouble (Kodi x reader x Anbu)

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      Yet again. You looked at Anbu stealing glances at you while he also focused on the lecture he was teaching. It's been a month since this started . He used to take extra care for you like asking if you understand his subject or if he had to tutor you in private. The first person he looks at if he enters the class is you and whenever you were not able to attend his classes he used to inquire about you as much as he can from your friends. First you thought it was just some care he showed towards his pupil but you soon started to see the affection he had for you. You never wanted to ask this about to him cause you know it'll be some awkward situation . So you kept to yourself. Your semester exams were on the way and to be honest you found it really hard to study. It felt like a headache to study for examinations. You then remembered Anbu who is always ready to help you. You searched for his number in your class whatsApp group that was opened for his subject. You already saw a plenty of messages in the group asking him for help on certain things. You hesitated for a second but then you dialled in his number. "Hello... Sir" "Who's this?" "(Y/n)" You heard him go silent for a minute as you heard him mumbling happily to someone. He soon came back to the phone to be professional with you "Tell me (Y/n)" "Sir I have few problems in studying for your subject I don't quite understand few topics can you help me with it?" "Umm...yea sure darl...I mean bab... I mean (Y/n)" He facepalmed as he continued. He is always nervous to talk to you. You chuckled at his nicknames he had for you which confirmed you held a special place in his heart "Can you come to my place...? I'll send you the address" "Sure sir I'll be there at 3 in the afternoon" He cut the call "And I'll be waiting...." He said to himself. He threw his phone on the couch as he did a happy dance. His mom looked at his son's happy face as she well knew what would've made him happy "She said she's coming to our house" "Yes mommyyyyy" He dragged as he smiled wide . On the other hand your heart fluttered too to meet him at his house. You had your lunch and packed up the books into your bag . You looked at address he sent. You started your scooter and you were almost there but you seem to be lost. You thought of asking someone. "Can you tell me how can I get to this address?" "Kodi's house? Yea you should take a left from here and you'll find it" You smiled "Thanks" You stopped at a house. I guess this is it. You walked into the house as you bumped into someone on the way "LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING" He raised his hand to hit you as he calmed down after he turned to look at you . You looked at him in surprise as he resembled Anbu but he had a beard while Anbu was clean shaved . "I am sorry by the way who are you?" "Anbu's student I came here to meet him..." "Oh....he's inside" "Thanks" You smiled at him making Kodi go weak in the knees . You walked past him "Hey... " Kodi called out to you "Can I get your name?" "(Y/n)... Yours?" "Kodi" He smiled at you as he left. You blushed a little as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You turned again to look at Kodi who also turned to look at you. You turned away and blushed a deeper shade of red now. Kodi smiled to himself and blushed too as he kept walking .

Anbu's p.o.v.

      I walked back and forth at the door as it was already 3 . My mom tapped me on my shoulder "Why are you waiting here?" "Your daughter-in-law will be here any minute don't we have to invite her" I smiled at my mom "Hmm.. " My mom threw a wry smile my way . I turned as I heard my brother's annoyed voice. Omg no don't hit her. My mom was tensed for a minute too but we both calmed down as he stopped the moment he saw her. Wait why is he looking at her like that. I saw her asking him about me. Finally. Wait what why is he asking her name? Why is she asking his name? Why are you blushing (Y/n)? I am the only one who you should blush for. Don't turn don't turnnnn. Omg they both looked at each other again. Brother she's mineee...

    I walked into the house. Anbu came running to me "Hi (Y/n) come in" I walked in "This is my mom" "Nice to meet you aunty" "You're so beautiful my son really did make a good choice" "Mom... " Anbu glared at her shaking his head signalling her to stop. His mom laughed "Do you want something to eat or drink dear?" "No aunty it's fine I just had my lunch" "Then fine dear make yourself at home" "Sure aunty" She smiled at you as she left to the kitchen. Anbu asked you to follow him as he took you to his room. "This is my room" "Looks beautiful sir" "Oh no sir please you're at my house" "Still sir how can I lose my respect for you" You teased him as you controlled your laughter "Please (Y/n) you can call me Anbu" "Okay" You nodded as you sat on his bed. "Let's start?" He asked you "Sure" You handed him the book as he started with the basics you had to know. You listened to him with utter concentration. "Let's take a break do you want some water (Y/n)" "Sure Anbu" He went to get some water "Here" You took the water bottle from him and drank some. He kept looking at you with a smile painting his handsome face. You studied for a few more hours and you saw that it was already 8:00 . "I have to go Anbu... I'll come back tomorrow will that be fine" "Yea sure always ready to help" You smiled at him. Anbu followed you till the gate "Be careful" "Sure" You got on your scooter and started it. You waved a bye to Anbu and went your way.

    You were riding as a group of 5 drunkards stopped you. "Where you think you're going?" You got off your scooter as you tried to get away from them. Fear started to fill your gut. A guy placed his hand on your shoulder as you started to sob and tried to pushed him away. The other 4 were about to touch you too but their eyes went wide as the guy who touched you went flying back into the air. You turned to look at Kodi who was frowning with such anger that'll frighten anyone away. He kicked the guy standing infront of you. He pushed you behind him as he started to throw punches at the 4 guys. The guy who already was hit by Kodi got up as he pulled out a knife and walked towards you "Kodiii" Kodi saw this and instantly came infront of you to protect you and stopped him from stabbing you . He twisted his wrist making the knife fall out of his hand. He picked up the knife as the guy scrambled away from the place. The other guys ran away as they were pretty scared after the punches and kicks given by Kodi. You started crying uncontrollably as you hugged Kodi "Thankss thanks thanks" He smiled as he hugged you back. He gently caressed your head to calm you down. You calmed down and the fear that filled your gut moments ago was gone and all you felt was safe in his arms. You pulled away. Kodi saw your tear smeared face. He wiped the tears away "You're safe with me don't worry" You looked at him with love filling your eyes. His words were enough for you to make you fall in love with him. You signalled him to bend down to your level. You kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed you on the forehead. "Ride infront I'll follow you behind" He smiled at you . He made sure you safely reached your house. You got down from your scooter "Thanks again Kodi" "Anytime" You turned to walk away . "Hey" You smiled well knowing he'd call you. "Yes" "Your number?" You gave him your number. He blushed as he waited till you went inside your house safe and sound.

   You threw your bag on the bed as your phone rang "(Y/n) did you reach home?" "Yeah" You thought for a second before continuing "Your brother... he saved me" "What? What happened? Are you okay?" "I am fine.. there was this group if drunkards who tried to behave in a bad way with me but Kodi saved me" "Are you okay?" "I am fine Anbu perfectly alright" "That's all that matters"

Anbu's p.o.v.

     I am happy that she is alright but I'm not happy with Kodi doing these. He's going to steal her from me. I should let her know about my feelings before she ends up with him. I laid on my bed thinking about (Y/n) . Hope she doesn't fall for him....

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