Dear love (Balamurugan x reader)

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"Ouch" You fell down to the ground bumping into someone "I'm so sorry (Y/n)" You looked up to see your teacher Bala "Oh no it's my fault sir oh my god I'm sorry let me help you with your books" You looked at his books that were lying on the ground scattered "It's fine no problem" "I have to help you sir" You smiled and picked the books one by one. Bala softly smiled at you "Thanks (Y/n)" "My pleasure" "Shouldn't you be in class?" "Oh yes sir I know it's your class now but Meenakshi mam asked for me can you give me a few minutes?" "Sure come back soon"

"Sir may I come in?" "Yes" Bala turned to the blackboard to continue whatever he was teaching. You sat down as you looked into your hands "Hey (Y/n)" Your friend whispered to you "Is anything wrong?" "No I'm fine (Y/f/n)" You smiled and turned to your notebook. "We'll see in the next class" Bala smiled at the class and left. It was lunch break now so you got up to go outside. "(Y/n)" Bala was standing outside "Yes sir" "Is something wrong with you?" "Nothing sir I'm fine" "Are you sure? Did Meenakshi say something to hurt you?" You stayed silent "Why do you bother?" "What did she say?" "It doesn't matter I'm perfectly fine" "(Y/n) just tell me" "She said you had feelings for me and she wants me to stay away from you" Bala sighed "I do have feelings for you (Y/n)" You looked at him and turned away. You were about to walk away "(Y/n)" You stopped "Do you like me?" "No sir I don't like you" "Not even a bit?" "As my teacher yes I like you a lot your teaching is different from the others which is really interesting but as a person I'm not interested in you in anyway" "(Y/n) is it because of Meenakshi you are afraid to accept me?" "She likes you sir why don't you like her back?" "It doesn't work like that (Y/n) you can't just love anyone you see I love you for you and not everyone in this world could be you" You smiled "So is that an yes?" "I don't know what to say. I'm really happy that you love me so much because no person has ever made me feel this special" "You're special (Y/n) really special" You smiled and blushed at his words. "(Y/n)" You looked up to someone calling your name. Bala turned to the voice too. "Mam" "Go and have your lunch instead of wasting your time standing here" "Yes mam" "(Y/n) wait" Bala stopped you "We'll finish this here" "Sir please" Bala touched your hand silencing you "Meenakshi whatever you have to say to (Y/n) you can convey that to me from hereafter" "Bala what are you talking about?" "As her boyfriend now it's my job" Bala smiled at you. Your eyes widened "Sir what?" "Bala" "This is done Meenakshi I don't see you the way how you see me. I like (Y/n) and now I'm taken" Meenakshi frowned at you "Stop making faces at her I'm the one who confessed to her first you have all the rights to pick a fight with me not her" Meenakshi stormed away from the place "(Y/n) make your choice now" "Not gonna lie I have a crush on you too" You blushed looking at him "Right I'll take you out on a date today evening" "Okay" Bala smiled and left.

You were on your date with Bala. You and Bala were taking a walk on the beach "Why do you like me Bala?" "You're the sweetest person I've ever met (Y/n) I love how you care for most people I love your heart so much" "Then don't you love me sirr" Bala blushed and wrapped his hands around your waist "Oh I love you I love you very much (Y/n)" You grinned . You placed your hands on his cheek and kissed him gently on his cheek "I love you too"

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