Seventy-You Save Me, I Save You 21.1

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I enter the cafeteria for dinner to observe Four and Tris in a heated, animated debate.  I step over to see what the problem is. 
"Having a little Stiff fight?" I tease. 
"Now's not a good time, Eric," Tris responds.  Her voice doesn't have the usual easygoing tone it normally does.  It sounds strained and worried. 
"What's going on?" I ask. 
"You want me to tell him?" Four asks harshly. 
"No, you just need to calm down," Tris insists putting her arms up defensively.
"I'm not going to calm down.  This ends now," Four demands forcefully raising a gun and cocking it.  Before I have time to process what's going on, Tris jumps in front of me as the shot is fired.
Everything happens in an instant. Security immediately takes him into custody—removing the gun and pinning him down, cuffing him.  I'm on the ground with Tris putting pressure on the wound.  She's unconscious.  I pick her up and run to the infirmary.  Dana and Pam meet me halfway with a gurney.  I set her down but continue to keep compression on the wound as they check her vitals.  We arrive to the infirmary and I retain the same force as they prep for surgery. 
"Oh God, Tris," Marlene says fearfully as she steps in beside me and assesses the situation. She snaps out of it and joins them in getting her ready.  Pam takes over for me and I back up and watch as they remove the bullet. 
"She's lost a lot of blood," Dana comments. 
"Too much," Pam agrees. 
She looks so pale.  Her skin is ghostly white, her lips purple. 
"Eric?  Should we do a transfusion?" Dana asks as she stitches her up. 
"Do we even have blood?" I question.  I know we've had shortages lately due to altercations with Factionless. Our resources are spread thin.
"Not her type," Marlene shakes her head. 
"Check me," I insist. 
She nods and takes me to another room to test me. She pricks my finger running a quick screening. "It's a match," Marlene tells me. 
"Do it," I insist. 
I sit down back in her room and watch as she takes some of my blood and gives it to Tris.  Her color starts to return somewhat but she still looks incredibly pale when they finish.  I continue to sit by her side for what feels like an eternity.  She's still unconscious. 
"Hey," Ryan says entering the room. 
I nod at him. 
"What happened?" he questions. 
"I don't even know," I admit.  "We need to interrogate Four."
"Truth serum?" he questions. 
"Yeah, can you handle that?" I ask. 
"I've got it," he nods. 
"Meet you down there in ten minutes," I tell him. 
He leaves the room and I stare at Tris.  I move closer to her and stroke her cheek.  She took a bullet for me and could've died.  Had I not been here she surely would have.  I caress her cheek once more and graze her lips with my finger. 
"Why, Stiff?" I ask her before I turn and head down to the holding facility. 
I enter the interrogation room to see Ryan sitting in here with his feet propped up on the table.  I turn to the guard at the door. 
"Bring him in," I order.  I try to shake away the dizziness I feel from my blood loss and the trauma of everything I've just witnessed. I don't understand. I pace behind Ryan unable to sit down. I feel like if I sit, I might not get back up.  Four is brought in and pushed down roughly in the chair across the table from Ryan.  He has a few bruises and a busted lip.  He must've been resisting arrest. 
"Why are you covered in blood?" Four asks me. 
"Because your girlfriend nearly bled to death in my arms because of you," I reply flatly. 
"She's not my girlfriend," he disagrees. 
I look to Ryan and nod.  It's time for answers, not his usual rigmarole.  The guards hold him down and inject him with truth serum. 
"State your name," I say robotically. 
"Four," he replies. 
"Your birth name," I clarify. 
"Tobias Eaton," he says. 
"Faction of origin?" I inquire. 
"Abnegation," he responds. 
"Why were you shooting at me?" I question. 
"Because you're a Divergent hunter and I want you dead," he says. 
"Why would you even care?" I ask. 
"Because I'm Divergent," he replies. 
"Ah," Ryan nods intrigued. 
"Why did Tris jump in front of me?" I inquire. 
"I don't know.  She disagreed with me but I don't understand why she, of all people, would care if you die," he divulges. 
"What do you mean by she, of all people?" I ask. 
"Because she's Divergent," he responds. 
"Any other Divergents you want to give us?" Ryan asks curiously. 
"No," Four says angrily and it's obvious that the serum has worn off. 
"Take him," I motion to the guards. 
"Execution or give him to Jeanine?" Ryan asks me. 
"I'll think it over.  He's not going anywhere," I respond. 
"What about the little Stiff?" he questions. 
"The same," I reply.  I leave the interrogation room and go up in the elevator to the main floor of the Pit.  On my way, I ponder on this... she knows I kill Divergents, she's a Divergent, and yet... she jumps in front of a bullet meant for me?  She risked her life for me?  I don't understand.  This goes against everything I've ever been taught about them.  They're rebels.  They'll kill us all and conquer the faction system—our entire system of government.  If they're allowed to live, they'll destroy our way of life.  So, why is she different?  Why would she save me?  I don't know why I do it, but I make a phone call to one of my aides on the ride up. 
"Hello?" Wendy answers. 
"I need an immediate favor," I tell her.  I explain what I want. 
"I'll be there shortly," she says. 
I arrive back to the infirmary.  Tris is still unconscious.  Dana joins me.  "She's experienced severe trauma.  She hasn't woken yet and we're not sure when or even if she'll wake," she explains. 
"Keep her comfortable," I reply. 
She nods in understanding.  I sit in the chair beside her and hold her hand.  She's covered in wires—an IV, a heart monitor... others I'm not sure of the purpose.  I sit and stare at her.  She could've died.  She saved my life and was willing to exchange hers for mine.  I still don't understand. 
"Eric?" Wendy whispers. 
I motion for her to join me. 
"Will this do?" she asks giving me the small box. 
I open it.  "Yeah, this is fine," I nod. 
"Here's your receipt," she says handing it to me and the bag.  I nod and take it.  "Anything else?"
"No, that's all," I tell her.  She nods and excuses herself. 
I look at the box once more.  It has a simple black band with a diamond along with two other matching bands.  I remove the engagement ring from the box and examine it.  I place the ring on her finger and send a message to all of the leaders.  She's mine and they won't touch her. 
In the night, she's moved to a private room. I observe as she's carefully lifted from her original gurney to a hospital bed. They leave after she's settled, vitals are checked and she's stable. I reach out for her and hold her hand. I nod off laying over her chest. In the morning, we're both brought a meal. I eat mine. I see a change of clothes left for me—Wendy. I know her... and she's the only one that would ever do something like that. I lock the door and shower in her private room hoping they don't break down the door and take her. I come out of the bathroom and she's right where I left her—still unconscious. I unlock the door and open it knowing someone will be coming soon. I sit back beside her and take her hand now holding my ring. It's the only thing I could think of to save her. She's protected now by a loophole—a technicality. Leadership family members have amnesty.  I hope it works. They still might take her.
Max is first to arrive.
"You can't be serious," he guffaws.
"I am," I say firmly.
"Fine. She's your responsibility. But we all know. If she actually lives and causes any trouble, she'll be taken anyway," he tells me.
"I know," I nod.
He leaves without another word. Her friends arrive and I back up to give them room.
"What happened?" Christina asks worriedly.
"Four shot her," Marlene says deadpan.
"I know he's gone ballistic lately... but I thought he cared for her," Will says confused.
I don't say anything. Nobody else does either about that subject. Uriah and Lynn just stare. Like me, they don't know what to say. They all visit with her and talk to her about positive things even though she's unconscious. They leave and I'm left alone with her once more. I don't know why I'm here and why I'm doing this... it makes no sense to me but I feel compelled—obligated to take care of her, like a life debt.
Lunch is delivered to the infirmary for both of us. I eat, she doesn't. She's so thin already. Dana comes in and checks her vitals.
"I'm concerned," I tell her.
"About what?" she asks me.
"She's not eating," I point out.
"That's typical for coma patients," she replies.
"How are they fed?" I question since I honestly don't know.
"Her IV has everything she needs. If she were to wake up, she can eat but everything she requires is in here," she tells me motioning to the bag of fluids.
I nod in understanding. She leaves and I reach over and touch her hand. She's freezing. I grab an extra blanket carefully covering her. I'm cautious around her far shoulder. I see the bandage over the wound that was meant for me. We have the same blood type. If I was shot, I'd surely be dead. There was no extra blood for me. I caress her cheek. God, she's beautiful. How did Four ever let her go? He could've taken her and ran. Instead, he felt the need to execute his vendetta against me. How selfish is that?
I feel her soft cheek once more. I can't help but graze my fingers over her lips again. Her color is coming back—there's some pink now instead of blue. My blood is in her veins. I lean in and brush my lips against hers. I melt at the sensation. She feels incredible. I kiss her firmly and I'm absolutely addicted.
"I didn't know you were serious," Ryan mocks from the door.
"I owe her," I say backing up.
"She doesn't matter. She's one of them. Are they even human? Their brains are different," he responds.
"I don't care," I tell him—my best friend.
He shakes his head at me and scoffs. "This is crazy. I know you feel obligated, but she's not like us," he insists.
"I'm still going to go through with it," I divulge.
"What if she dies?" he questions.
"Then that's out of my hands," I admit.
He sighs and shakes his head again. "Fine. Have it your way. We made the decision about Four without you. He's in transit to Erudite as we speak," he tells me.
I nod. I think Erudite is probably worse than death. They must've voted without me.
"You're still one of us... it's just, this Divergent... she'll never be one of us, even if you marry her. It'll be like you have a pet," he points out.
"She's mine. That's not going to change," I tell him.
"Fine. Max wants to speak with you. He has some stipulations he wants to make clear," he tells me. His voice is devoid of emotion.
I look back to her.
"Yes, she's yours. Nobody's going to touch her," he says tiredly.
"Alright," I agree. I kiss her again before rising. I stand and face Ryan to see Dana is now positioned in the doorway. She's gaping at me. "Watch her. Nobody is to touch her," I say authoritatively.
"Yes, sir," she says shaking out of it.

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