Eighty-Seven-A Camping Adventure 26.3

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I wake in the morning and wonder if it was all a dream.  I get up and have some breakfast of instant oatmeal and coffee.  I'm still hungry so I make some sausage and scrambled eggs.  I grin at my adulting... how I'm cooking more variety than what I used to. But I'm double the size that I was last time I was here—in muscle mass alone.  I finish my breakfast and pack the leftovers up to microwave for tomorrow. 
I decide to go out and chop some additional wood for fires.  I'll definitely be cooking out there more.  I've got chicken, hotdogs, and pork chops that would be good grilled over the fire.  I step out and remove my shirt beginning to chop the logs I dragged over yesterday.  I see four towels hung up along with my trunks and realize she actually was here.  I'm crushing on the Stiff.  I smirk at that.  She is beautiful.  I hear a chime and check my phone to see a message from Ryan. 

'We miss you already at breakfast.  How's it going?'

I send a reply. 

'Good.  I met a girl up here.  I'm hoping things work out.'

I pocket my phone and instantly hear another chime.

'Who? It's not an Amity, right?'

I laugh and just call him. I tell him about the Stiff.

"A Stiff? In Amity... on vacation?" he questions.
"No," I chuckle. "The Prior girl. She was first in initiation."
"Oh," he says in surprise. He asks me more details and I tell him about yesterday with her. I'm grinning as I hang up when he wishes me luck.
I get back to chopping wood. My thoughts continually drift back to her. I had no other messages and I'm thinking of asking her if she wants to do something... but I don't want to sound needy. I finish the wood and go swimming. I miss her. I climb out and dry off.  I text her before I shower. I jump in and get out quickly. I check my messages and nothing...
I sigh and lounge around for a while. I stare at my phone for a few more minutes when I decide to just stop by there and see what she's up to. I grab my phone and keys. I put another pair of trunks on. They look like shorts. I put some sunblock on and bring a tube with me. I head out in search of her.



I wake kind of exhausted but my phone is buzzing. I pick it up groggily to see an incoming call from Four going to voicemail.  I sigh and decide to flip through all of his texts...  He misses me and he's worried that he hasn't seen me.  He's slowly freaking out that I wasn't at lunch, then dinner.  I listen to the voicemails and the last one tells me he's going to my work. 
I roll my eyes.  He could've just asked one of my friends. I read Christina's text. She hopes I'm having fun and asks how everything is going. I tell her things are pretty good. I don't mention my lack of sleep. As I enter that in, I remember some dreams I had last night. I was leery of getting closer to Eric. It felt like somehow that would bring me nearer to Jeanine's attention—a place I don't want to be. But... I had another dream about Eric. I know I'm blushing and I shake that out of my head. I see the Candor boy beside me drooling on his bed. The others are still asleep but the Amity couple is gone. I don't see their bags either so maybe they've left. The Erudite girl still has her belongings laying out but orderly. She made her bed as well.
I yawn and decide to get up. I grab my things to shower. Before I leave, there's a notification of a new text from Jax. I open it.

'There's no emergency. I'm just letting you know that Four came by the office just now panicking for no reason. He insisted on me sending out a search party for you. I informed him that everything is fine but he insisted on taking his complaint higher to leadership. I told him you're on leave and to relax. I hope you don't mind but I just saved Max a headache. I gave no details of where you are and when you'll return. If he continues to be so... manic, I may request leadership to have him monitored. His behavior is off-putting.'

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