Seventy-Two-You Save Me, I Save You 21.3

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I make breakfast before Tris is up. I cook some bacon in the oven because it's easier. I make scrambled eggs and toast. I got some strawberries, too, and a couple bottles of juice. I'll stick everything else in the freezer.
I knock on her door and open it. She's still asleep. I crouch down beside her and touch her cheek again. I can't help but kiss her forehead.
She sighs and rolls over wincing.
"Yeah, not healed yet," I tell her.
"I don't know why I keep thinking I'm dreaming," she says.
"I made you breakfast," I inform her.
"Thank you," she replies softly.
"Let me help you up," I insist. I lift her gently. "Restroom first?" I question.
"Yeah," she responds.
"Do you need help or you want the sling?" I ask.
"Sling," she requests.
I bring it over and I watch as she does it herself.
"I can help if you need," I offer.
"I've got it," she replies and she does.
She rises without complaint and goes down to the bathroom.  I walk to my peninsula and sit down.  She comes out a moment later and joins me.  She thanks me for the meal again and reaches out for my hand.  She prays and then releases my hand and starts eating. 
"I never knew you were so religious," I say before eating a bite of eggs. 
She lifts her good shoulder in a half shrug. 
"Your place is kind of messy," she points out. 
"I've never had anyone up here before... except for Ryan but his place is worse," I tell her. 
She laughs lightly. 
"What's in the boxes?" she asks. 
"Your stuff," I tell her. 
"Oh," she says.  "So we're going somewhere?"
"My family has a cabin in Amity.  It's been a while but I could seriously get away," I explain. 
She nods. 
We finish our breakfast and I get her situated in the bathroom.  She refuses my offer of help. 
"Are you sure?" I question. 
She nods and shuts the door.  I go to the kitchen and clean up the mess I made. 
"Eric?" she calls out to me. 
"I'm coming," I reply washing my hands. 
I rush down there and knock on the door. 
"I need your help," she says opening it. 
"Okay," I respond. 
I see her wrapped in a towel.  She motions to the bandage. 
"You want it off?" I ask. 
"Yeah," she says looking away. 
I remove it and frown.  The wound is not as big as I was expecting but it's there... and she did this for me. 
I look to her longingly. 
"Thank you," she says softly. 
"Are you sure you don't want some help?" I question. 
She flushes at that. 
"I won't look, just help," I insist. 
She shakes her head. 
"Okay.  Call me if you need me.  I'll get some supplies and I'll help you put the next one on.  Remember only water," I tell her. 
She nods but doesn't meet my eyes. 
I grab my first aid kit from the closet and some items the infirmary had sent up for her.  I set them by the bathroom but out of the way.  I finish cleaning up from breakfast and wash my hands before she's calling me again.  She opens the door for me in a towel once more but she's damp this time.  I help her to apply the ointment and I replace the bandage. 
"Thank you," she says not meeting my eyes. 
"Do you need help dressing?" I ask. 
She wavers. 
I reach for her clothes.  She flushes heavily. 
"You're getting dressed, Stiff.  We're not having sex," I point out. 
I help her to step into her clothes and she's flushing the whole time. 
"It's no big deal," I insist. 
"You weren't raised Abnegation," she points out.  "Touch is powerful and I was always covered."
"Well, you're Dauntless now," I tell her. 
"And Abnegation, and Erudite," she says. 
"What?" I question in awe. 
She stares at me and flushes even more.  "I thought you knew... I thought you saw my results."
"No, Four told us under truth serum," I divulge. 
"Oh, God.  What did you do to him?" she asks. 
"I didn't do anything.  The others decided without me.  I think I'm considered a traitor now.  I have to watch you like a hawk and they don't trust me anymore," I admit. 
"What did they do?" she whispers. 
"Ryan said he was en route to Erudite last I heard.  They haven't told me anything else," I say. 
She nods sadly. 
"Why did you save me?" I ask her. 
A tear falls down her cheek and I wipe it away. 
I turn her face to meet my eyes.  "Why?" I ask again.
"Because what he was doing was wrong," she whispers. 
"You don't think what I was doing was wrong?" I question. 
"You were both wrong.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  They just make two wrongs. I'm to be a peacemaker," she tells me. 
"You?" I inquire. 
"My people," she clarifies. 
"Divergent?" I question. 
"No, Christians," she tells me. 
"Oh," I say surprised.  "So, your religion trumps what's in your genes?" I inquire. 
"I believe that people who truly believe in God and follow what he says will make an effort to always do what's right.  I might fail but tomorrow is another day to try again," she tells me. 
"Huh," I say surprised. 
I hear a knock on the front door. 
"Stay here," I insist.  "I still don't trust the others with you."
She nods but her expression is confused. 
I walk down the hallway and open the door. 
"Hi, Eric," Dana says—our head nurse.  "Sorry to interrupt your honeymoon but I have an injection sent by Eugene Eckhart for Tris."
I blink in surprise.  "What?" I ask confused. 
"He said he's a friend of yours.  He said it will help her recover," she explains. 
I rack my mind to remember if he works for Jeanine. 
"He has no affiliation with your aunt.  He works at the hospital," she explains. 
"How does he even know about what's going on?" I question. 
"I was childhood friends with his sister," she admits biting her lip.  "And I'm friends with Tris.  We go to the same church.  I saw her grandfather here last night."
I open the door.  That's good enough for me. 
"Sit.  Explain," I tell her motioning to the sofa. 
"Eric, your place is a sty," she comments. 
"Yeah, yeah.  You and my wife," I say flippantly and I catch myself as Tris walks down the hall. 
"Dana?" Tris questions softly. 
"Hi, Tris," she replies.  "Eugene sent something for you."
"Alright," she nods. 
"Wait," I say putting my hand up in protest.  "Explain this again.  I'm not letting you inject her with some unknown substance."
So, she tells us both what it is as I help Tris with her sling and then to sit down.  She says a mutual friend of all of ours sent something to speed up the recovery time. 
"Has this been tested?" I question. 
"They frequently use this in the hospital.  We don't normally do surgeries in Dauntless.  But hers was an emergency and even then, she was still bleeding to death," she says. 
"Wait... what?" Tris asks. 
She explains about me giving her blood and Tris stares at me. 
"You saved me twice.  We're more than even," she says.
"You're welcome," I reply gruffly. 
"You didn't have to marry me, then," she protests.  "We were even."
"Leadership marriages are for life.  You're stuck now," I tell her dismissively.  I'm not going to argue about this.  What's done is done. 
"You tricked me," she insists. 
"I did not trick you," I say rolling my eyes.  "Your life will be better with me than the other option," I say for Dana's benefit. 
Tris huffs frustratedly. 
"So, do I have your permission?" Dana asks me. 
"If anything happens to my girl, I'm coming after you," I tell her evenly. 
"Fine.  I'll take that threat," she says.  "I wouldn't hurt one of my best friends knowingly."
I watch her wipe Tris's arm with an astringent and inject her. 
"Feel better and congratulations, sort of," Dana laughs lightly hugging her. 
"Thanks," Tris replies.  They whisper between themselves for a moment and then she leaves us be. 
"I'm packed.  Do you need more than your bag?" I ask. 
"No," she says.  "I put everything in there."
"We'll unpack this when you're feeling better and I'll clean later," I say dismissively about her boxes and my apartment. 
"Okay," she nods.
I grab our bags and lock up.  I take her down to the parking garage.  I receive a call from Max. 
"Where are you going?" he asks me. 
"Honeymoon in Amity," I say.  "We're staying at my grandma's cottage.  If it makes you feel better, Jeanine has cameras there."
He hums a reply.  "When are you coming back?" he asks. 
"I don't know.  The hospital sent some injection for her.  I guess we'll see how long it takes her to heal," I tell him. 
"I don't like not getting a return time.  It sounds fishy," he tells me. 
I sigh frustratedly.  "You can ask Dana or the hospital about the recovery time.  They didn't give us one.  I'd like to know if you find out.  I'm thinking two weeks to a month," I reply. 
"That'll do," he responds. 
"I'll have my phone on me unless I'm swimming so you'll know where I am," I point out. 
"That makes me trust you more," he mentions. 
"Good.  I'll keep an eye on her.  She knows her limits.  She calls herself a peacemaker," I tell him. 
"Hmm," he grunts.  "Alright.  Keep me posted."
"Will do," I say as I hang up. 
I grab my keys at the guard shack and lead her to my truck.  I open the trunk and set our bags down.  I help her into her seat before walking around to mine and starting up the truck.  I drive us to the fence.  She's quiet on the trip. 
"Are you okay?" I ask. 
"Uh huh," she nods. 
"Are you feeling alright?" I inquire. 
"Yeah," she replies. 
"Are you up to get supplies or do you want me to leave you there?" I question hesitantly. 
"We can get supplies," she says. 
"Good.  I didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone," I tell her. 
"Why?" she questions. 
"My aunt has access to this cabin and she wants you.  I was warned never to let you go to Erudite without me," I divulge. 
"So, she doesn't care," she replies about our marriage. 
"No.  That's a Dauntless law... and I've made my peers upset by pulling a technicality by saving your life.  They're infuriated with me," I tell her. 
"Oh," she says softly. 
We go through the checkpoint at the fence and then drive through Amity to the general store.  It's early fall.  I can see them harvesting wheat and corn in the distance.  I park near the shop.  I take her in and we buy some simple supplies and groceries—cereal, oatmeal, eggs, milk, butter, lunch meat, cheese, breads, a selection of meats for dinner that I can cook, noodles, potatoes, jam, peanut butter... etcetera. 
"How about fruits and vegetables?" Tris asks. 
"Sure, pick out whatever you want," I shrug.  "I was going to grab a couple soups."
"I can make soup," she offers. 
"I want you to rest," I insist.  "If you start feeling better, we'll try that next time."
She stares at me for a moment.  "Okay," she responds. 
She selects a few simple vegetables that are easy to steam.  She gets some salad greens and I grab a dressing.  I grab some shelf stable almond milk in case we run out for breakfast.  I hate coming here in the mornings. 
"I think we're good," I tell her. 
"You look like you're buying for a month or two," she teases. 
"I eat more than you," I point out. 
She nods.  We check out and I swipe my point card. 
"Do you have unlimited funds or something?" she asks. 
"Something like that, although paying for the reception will certainly deplete my account," I admit. 
"You have to pay for that?" she asks. 
"Eh, in two years we can buy a house," I shrug it off. 
She stares at me. 
"You do that a lot," I mention. 
"What?" she asks. 
"Stare," I say. 
"Sorry.  What you say surprises me," she tells me. 
"Why?" I inquire. 
"That you're actually planning on a future with me.  I find that hard to believe.  I don't understand why I'm not dead actually," she says. 
"I don't want you saying that again," I tell her. 
"Okay," she replies softly. 
I load up the truck and help her in once more buckling her in.  I drive up to the cabin. 
"Jeanine has cameras here?" she asks on the drive. 
"I'm pretty sure," I reply.  "She mentioned something my sister and I did here that led me to believe she watched us."
"Oh... who is she in relation to you?" she asks. 
"My aunt and legal guardian since I was ten," I tell her.  "She still has my sister.  I'm hoping crossing her with you doesn't make my sister suffer."
I glance at her and she's frowning. 
"How could you work for someone who treated you so badly?" she asks me gently. 
"Coercion," I respond. 
She's quiet after that.  I pull down the driveway and park next to the cottage.  Tris is staring at the pond.  I climb out and help her down.  I open the front door and carry all of the groceries inside to the kitchen before turning the power and water on at the breaker box and water heater.  I check the fridge and it's on.  I put all of the refrigerated food away and then the pantry items.  
I look around for Tris and see she's still at the beach watching the water.  I grab our bags and escort her in. 
"This was your vacation home?" she questions in awe. 
"Yeah," I nod. 
"It's incredible," she says. 
I smile at that.  I always loved it here.
"Are you tired? Hungry?" I ask.
"Both," she admits.
"I'll make us lunch. Then you can lay down," I tell her.
"Alright. Can I help?" she asks.
I waver.
"A little," I agree.
She smiles at me. I grab the bread, meat, cheese, and condiments. I make my sandwich, she makes hers which is substantially smaller.
"You need to eat more," I insist.
"I'm less than half your size," she protests.
"Fine, but we need to work on your food intake," I say.
"Alright," she replies softly.
We eat our sandwiches at the table and I carry our bags up the stairs.
"Bathroom, spare room, our room," I list off.
"We're sharing?" she questions.
"You want to squeeze into the bunk beds?" I ask in surprise.
"I could," she offers.
"No. You need to heal," I insist. "You need the space."
She goes to protest but I interrupt.
"We're married. Get over it. We're sharing a bed," I tell her. I set the bags down and help her with her sling. I lay her down and climb in gently beside her. She appears nervous next to me. "I'm not going to touch you... much," I tell her.
"Is that supposed to comfort me?" she asks.
"You're my wife. What'd you expect?" I say.
"Did I have a choice?" she questions.
"No. Get used to it. You're stuck with me," I grumble.
I kiss her temple and hold her hand.
"I love you, Stiff," I mumble as I doze off.

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