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For the States appearance there's Three ideas that I have but I'm not sure about any of them but might as well put them out here and why their not in my Headcannon

1) The states all look like Ben_Brainard (or TheRealReyReyes, Pashynsantos, and CallMeKriss for some) like in the show, just having diffrent proportions and styles. Ben pops in every once and awhile with the states assuming he's the one in charge of the show and don't question why he looks like them

(This one feels like I'm too lazy to actually think of their looks, but it would be hilarious for the states, provinces, and territories to meet the four that play them and be like 'wait a second- there's more of us????' And then realize their not one of them and just people and be even more confused lol)

2) (the most likely one) they each look like the person they originally where before they became a state

(A little basic and good, but I feel like it's missing something)

3) similar to 2 except over time after learning they where a state their appearance changed to match their people, from their skin and hair to their eyes, it all changes to be a mix of what their people are like. It terrifies them because over time they can't even recognize themselves from what they looked like when they first joined. They feel uncomfortable in their bodies because this isn't who they are, this isn't them, but they'll never be themselves again, not really.

(A lot of angst opportunity here, but something feels off)

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