*insert clever name*

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None of the states like Medicine, so whenever one of them gets they do everything they can to hide from Gov and not be forced to take that disgusting cold medicine and they even help each-other hide, much to Gov's annoyance.

They all like Farmers Markets and At least once every other month they all go together.

Back when he was with Spain Florida was given a pet rock. The rocks name is Rock and he still has him.

During Fire Season and Hurricane season the states effected by them smell like smoke and salt water respectively.

Gov likes reading romance but won't admit it.
...Texas has borrowed some of his books though-

Florida loves cartoons

California is quiet and doesn't get involved in State House drama often, so states don't think much when having private conversations near him. It gives Cal good Fanfic material

For Texas's birthday California got him a new Horse after his was getting old and needed to rest. Now both of the horses are best friends.

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