Birthdays and Scraps

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Wow, the books almost at 100. Didn't expect it to get that far.


Each state technically has two birthdays, but most don't remember their actual birthday, so their admission date is kinda like their birthday.

The OG 13 all share one birthday and all argue about what to do. Some want to have a party, some want to be left alone, and others forget it's their birthday.
..most forget it's their birthday-

Gov doesn't remember any of his birthdays from any of his lives. He kind knows his birthday for this life, but only when his parents or siblings message him about it.

The states don't know Gov's birthday.

Greg didn't tell anyone when his birthday is, but Nevada hacked into Mew York's files to find it out. Now the states are waiting for it to throw a surprise party for their favorite sound guy.


California wears pins of their Pride flags on their beanie during pride month.

Florida doesn't like crocodiles.

I don't want to say Florida cheats... but he does always get multiple +4, +2, skips, and reverses. Almost all from the deck no matter who he's playing with or if it's actually uno or not.

Once Florida bit ice cream in front of Kansas.
The sunflower state was not amused- scratch that. It pained him to see ice cream being bitten. It wasn't even soft ice cream.

California, Oregon, and Washington all saw the Barbie movie the day it released and all got Kenough hoodies.

Mississippi, Washington, Maine, and Idaho will fight over bubblewrap.

On that note, none of the states agree on how to play Uno.

Monopoly was banned in the statehouse.

Sometime during the mid to late 1900s California got into art. He's pretty good at it and will sometimes be commissioned by other states.

(Thought of this too late for it to be in the betting chapter)
Some states are betting on  the Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk fight. Some are betting who will win, some are betting if it'll even happen. Some states are planning a watch party for if it'll happen. Who can blame them? Billionaires Lizard and Robot fighting.
Oh, some states are also betting if they are actually human or not too.

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