Ben and April Fools

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Just watched the Saint Patrick's day video (Ik I'm behind) and so Ben lives in the state house, but only because the states arn't to buy houses because if they where some states would buy a lot of houses and forget about them over time, and Gov is very broke and he isn't aloud to buy a house ether.
So Ben has the house under his name and does budgeting and stuff, on the condition he can make a show out of it.
(Ik he was in other episodes, but he was in the house in that one. I just thought he was breaking the fourth wall-)
Oh and the states and government payed for the house, so he just lives there for free.

For April Fools day the states did something that they never did before, they worked together with no ulterior motives. Their plan? To pretend to get along.
They sent DC in to steal the schedule for that days meeting so they could see what was planned and plan on what they would say for the arguments before hand.
When they excited the plan it went perfectly. Everyone was getting along, Gov, being the sleep deprived person he is, forgot what day it wasn't and just assumed things where finally going smoothly for one.
Near the end of the meeting he pointed out that everyone was getting along, to which Florida said that they don't and a full blown argument ensued, everyone yelling their true thoughts on the topics they went over earlier, things that annoy them about other states, and saying all the bad things that had just gone on in their state since the last meeting.
Gov tried to stop it for about two seconds, before giving up and hitting his head against the table until he was too tired to lift it.

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