- two -

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the sun in my face woke me up i blink a couple of times to wake my eyes up when i notice this was not my room then i realized... omg i had sex last night, it was pretty good not gonna lie, but fuck i never stay over it's so awkward the morning after and don't even get me started on the walk of shame.

i wanted to get up but i had the guys arm hugging me...see awkward, i moved his arm slowly and got out, i didn't want to wake... umm what was his name? jesus aubrey, i started getting my stuff when i heard him waking up and then he sat up.

"leaving all ready?" he said with the hottest morning voice and apparently a french accent... i'm sensing i have a thing for french guys.

i turn around and when i'm about to say something i look at him and WHAT?? it's fucking pierre gasley, did i really not have a clue? i had sex with pierre gasley, i sleep in his bed, what is going oooon. auch my head hurts, it's to early for this.
jesus aubrey say something.

"i have to go, my friends are waiting for me to have breakfast hehe" i laugh awkwardly.

"can you at least tell me your name? you didn't want to tell me your real name last night" he said with a grin on his face.

"did i really? i'm sorry i do that when i'm drunk and with a stranger, it's aubrey" i say take out my hand for him to shake it, he looks a it like "i just fuck your brains out but okay" and shakes it.

"aubrey, i'm pierre, pierre gasley" he said laughing a little.

"yeah kinda gather that" i smiled "anyway i have to go, thanks for umm... yeah" i say turning around to leave, can this be going any worse?.

"wait lets exchange numbers, maybe we can do this again sometime, if you like" he suggested.

"umm sure but i'm just here for the week after that it's milan" i said trying to hint my plans.

"oo really me too, maybe will see each other there too" he said will i put my number on his phone, i didn't give him my phone because of my lock screen omgg if he sees it i'm gonna look like a creepy fan.

"yeah maybe or here in mykonos too, anyways for the second time, i gotta go it was nice to meet you" i said leaving and shutting the door behind me and i let out a breath i didn't know i was keeping.

did that just happend? why was i so awkward? omg i have so much to tell the girls and i still have to do the walk of shame, get on the elevator and once i get to the lobby i notice this is my hotel, okay now i really look like a stalker. i turned around and went back to the elevator and straight to my room.

i got to the room and the girls were all there.
"heyy we called you, why didn't you answer?" candace said a little worried.

"sorry apparently my phone died and didn't even notice" i said while connecting the charger.
"you guys won't believe who i sleep wit-... wait why are you guys with the same cloth as last night?" i said realizing there appearance "you guys also left with someone?".

"you don't remember anything hahah?" sydney said laughing "we saw you dancing with pierre and we thought it was a good idea to hookup with his friends, none of them have gf so...".

"omg did you really? hahah i didn't know it was him until i saw him this morning, you should of seen my face, i was in shock in tears almost" i said exaggerating "okay so tell me everything".

the girls started telling me about how penelope and lando got it off right away, that no guy has made her laugh as much as him, they actually stayed at our room, which is kinda cool.

sydney then told me she was with charles, she could believe how nice and a gentleman he was, she said she asked to go to the bathroom and he stared to clean it for her, and that's when i realized how low the bar is hahah.

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