- twenty seven -

544 9 0

aubrey's pov:

we spent a few long hours at the mall, pascal couldn't stop buying me maternal clothes and giving me advice on how to hide the baby bump until i couldn't anymore, she also bought a lot of stuff for the baby which is sweet don't get me wrong but pierre is gonna kill us, we're going have to buy an other suitcase just for this shopping day.

my relationship with pascal did get better in these few hours but there's still some issues to work on, but i'm happy of the progress and effort we've made so far.

we started heading to the elevator that took you to the parking lot when someone calls pierre's mom's name out making us turn around in the direction the sound came.

"pascal!!! hiii how are you?!!!" of course.

"ooo hii valentina!! how are you dear? i've miss you!!" is this really happening in front of my face?.

"i'm good same as always, hope you and jean are going fine!" she had a big smile on her face which showed all her teeth, she was good.

"ooo that's so kind of you, we're all well thank god! so where are you headed?" i'm i invisible?.

"i was actually about to order an uber to the track" ooo please don't say it, of course she going there.

"come with us, we have the car right aubrey?" she turn to me oo she remember.

"umm yeah sure" i faked a smile.

"oo aubrey sorry didn't recognize you, i thought you were pascal assistant or something" hmm nice.

"hahah no just the daughter in law, or at least headed that way" i smiled at her.

"yeah... so why all the baby stuff?" she tried to change the conversation.

"ooo you didn't kno-".

"my sister is pregnant so i'm preparing a present for her from pierre and me" i looked at pascal and smiled.

"aaa okay" she didn't by that and neither did i, it was so lame but i panicked i don't her to be the first to know out of are friends and family... and pierre's team. which is the same as friends and family.

"we should get going" i said.

we arrived at the track parking the car getting just my purse, pass and phone i closed the door walking fast not wanting to go in with them and get to pierre as fast as i could but they were just behind me as i entered the alphatauri hospitality pierre was sitting in the lounge just as he saw me.

"heyy!! i texted you, why didn't you respond?" he said as he put his arms on my side kissing my forehead.

"i-" didn't even have time to explain that pascal and valentina entered the hospitality.

"fils regarde qui j'ai trouvé!!" yeah what a coincidence.

pierre looked at me and i looked at him but just shrugged my shoulders, i could so freak out right now but i really want to see how he handles this and i hope it's not me storming out because if i was uncomfortable with pascal and her, with pierre is just plain awkward.

he looked back at valentina turning me around to face her putting one arm in my lower back keeping by my side. hmm i'm internally smirking.

"hey valentina" that was all he said.

"don't be rude pierre, vale you should go out with us for dinner we need to catch up" yeah i'm sensing she has a favorite.

"i would love that" she smirked at pierre... okay clearly these two are not on my so call me immature but i'm not having dinner with pierre's ex so clearly is enjoying the moment and quiet frankly seems to be more welcome to the family than me who as his child growing in me.

changes - PIERRE GASLYOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara